Daily Lucky Numbers:

arcade 2.6 issue

Started by Vincent Titus, August 31, 2020, 03:40:57 PM

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Chen Zhen

You didn't mention which SMF version as I tested it on SMF 2.0.17.
I also have a SMF 2.1 test forum so I will run the same tests on it but you already stated it works fine plus everything works fine here on my forum which is SMF 2.1.

Chen Zhen

All tests on SMF 2.1 using those browsers listed above seems to work as intended.

If you had other mods installed on the original site where you saw the problems, try this:

- uninstall all mods
- install SMF Arcade
- test the Arcade, if it looks fine install other mods one at a time & after each install test the arcade again
- report which mod causes the problems here in this thread

Vincent Titus