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E-Arcade to SMF Arcade conversion tool

Started by Chen Zhen, July 06, 2013, 01:44:52 PM

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Chen Zhen

SMF 1.1.11  -  OR  -  SMF 2.0 RC3 installation package:

E-Arcade 2.5.9  -  TO  -  SMF Arcade Conversion


E-Arcade Beta4  -  TO  -  SMF Arcade 2.5Rc1 Conversion

This is a tool designed for renaming E-Arcade to SMF Arcade database tables/columns.


- Make sure to backup your database prior to using this tool

- Make sure BOTH arcades are uninstalled in your Admin / Packages menu

- Install and apply this tool to commence the database changes

- Uninstall/Delete this tool from your Admin / Packages list

- Delete E-Arcade from your Admin / Packages list

- Install SMF Arcade from your Admin / Packages list

- Do not run this install package ever again.

***** WARNING *****

Current SMF Arcade users beware - this tool may delete your current db entries if you try to use it.

This tool has but only 1 purpose and that is to convert from E-Arcade  - TO -  SMF Arcade

The change-over is not reversable. Once you commence the process, you can not revert back to E-Arcade.
(Unless you restore the database backup from the first step)

Only download, install and continue with this installation if you have read and understand the purpose of this tool.
The author of this tool is not responsible for any data loss due to improper use.

Many thanks to the SMF Arcade Beta Testers for helping me test this application.


    * Transfers user data such as scores (with comments), favorites, categories and ratings
    * Transfers game data such as save-types, dimensions, background color, descriptions and help text
    * DOES NOT transfer tournaments or any tournament information, therefore these must start anew.
    * The process is not reversible and converting to SMF Arcade is permanent.
      (Unless you restore the database backup from the first step)

The package is attached.


Will this work for the current version of SMFarcade? I'm trying to help someone who's site is using E-Arcade Beta4-SMF2 and having problems so I'd like to switch them to the current version of smfarcade.

Chen Zhen

Yes it should work.
Unless that is the latest version from SMF that someone took over then I am not sure as to what changes were made.
This tool will convert the necessary tables to what SMF Arcade uses.
The newer version of the SMF Arcade that I released has an auto-adjust score type sub-routine that should fix score types for their games.
This is because E-Arcade did not save the score type to the database unlike SMF Arcade.
Also if I remember correctly it attempts to create unique game folders for each game because E-Arcade was not designed to do so.
Imo just in case something goes awry it might be best to copy all arcade related directories to their local hdd via ie. Filezilla prior to using the tool.
It may require each game to attempt to save a score once prior to its auto adjustment of a score.

Let me know if the person has issues.
Worse case scenario if things get really botched is to start with all scores anew.
It won't delete their games or anything like that.


Chen Zhen

I forgot to mention that the auto adjustment of save types is optional.
They must enable it in:
 Admin -> Arcade -> Advanced -> Auto Adjust Improper Save Types


Oh yeah, I was looking at that a few days ago for someone else on their site.

Chen Zhen

Let me know if everything worked as expected.

Daniel Hofverberg

Does this converter tool still work for the current version of SMF Arcade, or is there a newer one somewhere?

I have been using E-Arcade Beta4-SMF2 (with SMF 2.0.17) up until now, but would very much like to switch to the latest version of SMF Arcade - of course retaining all current games and high scores. So can I do that with the tool in this thread, or have tables used by SMF Arcade changed since then (so that the tool doesn't work these days)?

Considering the thread is from 2013, I thought I'd better ask before doing anything...

Chen Zhen

I'm not sure it will work anymore.

What you can do is backup your database via phpmyadmin (possibly to a compressed zip file) and then attempt to run the tool.
Afterward you can install SMF Arcade and see if your games and scores are all showing/available.

If it doesn't work you can always restore the copy of the database that you made.

The games you had for E-Arcade should work in SMF Arcade either way its just that you will likely have to reinstall all of them & start scores from scratch.
There is a skin & list available that is close to what you had in E-Arcade as well.
Keep in mind that flash will not be available in main stream browsers as of Dec.31 of this year.
This means most people will have to download a non main stream browser that supports flash to play those old games.

HTML5/javascript is the new format for games now.
An updated version of this arcade is due for release within the next week or so.
It supports most of the HTML5 games you see on sites these days.
There is a list of sites that allow downloading of games in this support section.
The updated version of the arcade will play them but you will have to wait about a week as we have a few things to sort out prior to its release.

Chen Zhen

Actually the app/tool seems to have been lost.
A few years ago I lost a lot of older files on a previous server that were never recovered.
Some of which I no longer have copies of on my own drives and this appears to be one that I can't locate.


Is it one of these packages???

Chen Zhen

Daniel Hofverberg

Thank you. I see that the new version of SMF Arcade has been released now, so I will make a backup of the database and try out the tool - hopefully it still works, so that the games and scores can be kept from e-Arcade. :)

Chen Zhen

The older games you have are swf flash which will no longer be supported in mainstream browsers starting. Dec.31 2020.

HTML5/JavaScript games are the new norm.

Daniel Hofverberg

Quote from: Chen Zhen on November 02, 2020, 11:59:59 AMThe older games you have are swf flash which will no longer be supported in mainstream browsers starting. Dec.31 2020.

HTML5/JavaScript games are the new norm.
I'm well aware of that, and it's very unfortunate. It's of course positive from a security point of view, but the problem is that the vast majority of Flash games most likely will never be ported to HTML5. :(

Are there any gamepacks available with HTML5 games compatible with SMF Arcade? The only thing I can find is to download individual games, which normally would be preferable - but if it's not possible to transfer everything from e-Arcade so I have to start all over, then it would be useful with a reasonably sized pack of decent games, in order for the arcade not to be completely empty at the beginning.

I can see old posts on this forum referring to gamepacks downloadable here, but I can't seem to find any such - nor can I find any gamepacks on the other web sites linked to either. :(