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How to make gold?

Started by kevinspacey, October 03, 2022, 10:01:25 AM

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How do you make gold on the battle mod?  Can the Arcade be configured to allow points for playing, winning and set by the Admin what those ae,  Posting in the forum areas?

Chen Zhen

You can set the currency type/name in Battle admin.
There are also settings for the frequency at which you want to have gold added to user accounts (ie. daily, weekly, etc.).
"Gold" (the default currency) can also be acquired via quests which you create in the Battle admin.
There are changes coming to this in the next major release where gold can be acquired battling monsters.
This will be implemented with admin settings so that the site owner/admin can dictate how it plays out.

As for the Arcade.. that sounds like a decent request.
I can also add it for the next major Battle release.. It will be a setting in Battle if it detects the Arcade.
The Arcade already has score hooks so it can tap into those.