Daily Lucky Numbers:

Battle 1.0_RC8.0 BETA-UD-X

Started by Chen Zhen, July 20, 2013, 01:05:17 AM

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Chen Zhen


+ display current game mode in title of Battle template
+ record and display ending level in hi scores when game is completed
+ when auto reset is enabled and the end level is reached, display the time left until the game is reset (count down)
! adjust stat point reward for when monsters/enemies are defeated


this game is coming along nicly now realy like what you have done so far  8)

Customizer @ SimpleMachines

Chen Zhen


  Thanks. There is still a lot to add to it and some things may need fixing but it is coming along quite nicely.


Our points are stuck at 4294967295



We have an issue with quests.

If you have a quest on page 1 they work but if you go to page 2 the quests give you and error "no refreshing allowed"

Chen Zhen



+ displays current game mode in title of Battle template
+ records and displays ending level in leaderboard when game is completed
+ when auto reset is enabled and the end level is reached, displays the reset time of the game
! adjusted stat point reward for when monsters/enemies are defeated
! fixed battle_scores table to two composite keys in installer


  I could make the two score/points columns bigint which would allow a much broader int allowance but would take up a bit of space. Prior to doing that I would rather change other columns that hold only enable/disable data (0/1) to tinyint which would reduce a lot of space. I'll look into this for the next beta release. One thing though is that I know you're testing the game to the max but there should be a point an admin resets a game. To get the points that high you must have a lot of high stat monsters and users.. I can't set the points to be infinite.. it has to end some time!!
I will look into the quest issue you are having... I tested it recently and did not have any issue but perhaps I missed something.

Note: This beta version will omit all leaderboard data because it has to recreate that table to set the proper composite primary keys. This only applies to this beta version and will not do this in future versions.


Can one scale down using a ratio with what you have in place now?

We all like to see bigger numbers when we level up and do quests...

But do we need big numbers to progress the game and the different levels.

Chen Zhen


  Yes I can adjust it so that the earned stats are considerably less. However it is primarily the experience ratio that controls how fast one levels up therefore increasing that setting in Battle config will slow down the game.

Chen Zhen




! adjusted score/points columns to bigint (restriction is 0 to 18446744073709551615)  ... campaign scores not included (campaigns combined score from multiple int columns)
! adjusted points for battle/explore to be less (battle/10 ... explore / 100)
! fixed campaign routine for quests (specific pages, campaigns, etc.)
! fixed issue with routine for auto reset of game
+ added go button to start campaign

  This is getting close to an official release. I just want to fix up any apparent issues without adding anything new at this time.


Chen Zhen

Although the last beta works locally without issue, there seems to be some problems whilst testing live on a forum that has 10000+ users. 

Issues with Battle_v1.14-Beta16:

! forum lags after last update... possibly 2 columns set to bigint causing db resource issue? (needs change back to int for testing)
! play quest page crashes (php error not displayed)... possibly too many db queries. the function needs to be cleaned up extensively.

Chen Zhen


bigint columns do not seem to be causing any issues as previously thought. The custom session had an issue that is now changed/resolved for the upcoming beta package. I reduced the db queries of the play quest function to half (105 queries) but this did not resolve the issue on Dwight's forum.
The function still needs some work as imo it should use 50 queries max.  I will attempt to retrieve Mr. Dwight's php error text file to see if it will tell me the exact line of code causing the issue.

Chen Zhen




! split/added some files due to size mainly for FTP editing purposes
! lessened queries for battle quests (entire mod needs to be edited for less queries at some point)
! fixed install.xml for code concerning custom session
! moved battle_campaign_score function to Subs-Battle.php (admin & play both use it... had undefined function error ~ fixed)
! altered battle_check_table_exists routine (mysql syntax)

Ok I was able to get the quests to work on dwight's forum. I simply had to run the Reset Battle Quests command in maintenance & everything works fine after that. If anyone testing has the issue, simply follow the same procedure to fix it.  If I do not hear any issues reported over the period of this week, I may release it as public on the weekend.

... still having issues regarding quests (only) when they are part of a campaign on dwight's forum. wip

Chen Zhen

  I am still experiencing an issue on ryan_dwight's forum concerning campaigns although I do not have the issue on local & live testing that has been performed elsewhere. I no longer have FTP access which would allow me to edit files and use some quick/easy trial and error. Unfortunately I must uninstall the mod and install it anew to test any changes which is becoming quite tedious... very frustrating. I would like to fix the issue prior to any release but can not reproduce it on any site I have full access to.  :-\   


How can I help?

I have several sites I can give you access to.

Chen Zhen


  Thanks for the offer but it is no longer necessary. I now have ftp access to that forum and have found the cause of the error.
I will most likely release a fix later today.