Daily Lucky Numbers:

.up contain

Started by bigguy, July 09, 2018, 04:15:57 PM

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bug in the arcade or the way SMF has done it's new css. .up_contain in the css file has display: flex; in it. If this is taken out than the arcade is full width and displays normal, if not it gets squished. At least in FF anyway. You can check it out on my arcade if ya have time at some point.

Chen Zhen

Thanks for the report.

Try version 2.56.05 from the download section.
Let me know if it the issue is resolved.

Chen Zhen

You're still using v2.56?

The latest version is now v2.56.05.


I'll get it changed today. Sorry, been a bit busy with work. :)

Chen Zhen

You're going to have to download it anew as of this post.
I noticed some mistakes I made in a few edits & did a silent update.
This includes about 6 or 7 other people who also downloaded the update today.
Oh well... they may notice this post & update or post an issue in the forum.