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Battle Mod

Started by Fog, July 10, 2013, 10:14:27 PM

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Chen Zhen


  In the beta thread would be preferable.



That is a great idea turning it into tanks. LOL


Quote from: Skhilled on July 22, 2013, 09:38:43 AM
That is a great idea turning it into tanks. LOL

Thank you sir...My members are hooked on the game and are helping test the newest version.

I want to give a big thanks to Underdog and his efforts.

I've been a WWII Tank buff for a while now and saw how tanks could fit right into this game.

From the Custom Explore to Quests.

Then one of my members asked if we could do certain battles and only have tanks from that era playing.

Like the Custom Explore we would do things like: Your forward scouts spot a fuel depot with armed guards but no heavy armour do you decide to attack or retreat.

The Quests were made up to include boot camp for level zero and tank training level one then for the tank part we would have an easy tank you could destroy and level up.

I modified the text and learned a few other things I could like add pictures but my php coding skills didn't allow me to modify the game any further.


I was an admin at SA Mods and help to create it but I have no coding skills...none to brag about. LOL It's funny to see that my monster is still in it.

Yes, you can modify it to create various types of quests. We had a list of them but they never were realized as the forum died when Wayne started going back to school.