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SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: EmulatorJS Legal Games
Last post by AllMassive - August 23, 2024, 11:21:34 PM
Quote from: Chen Zhen on August 08, 2024, 01:34:11 PMUpcoming release:

It still needs work & I don't have a planned release date for it just yet.
nice to read that!
allowing players to save their gamedata on the forum would also be great.
SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: EmulatorJS Legal Games
Last post by Chen Zhen - August 08, 2024, 01:34:11 PM
Current release:
The ROM games are only available to users (that have that permission) from a general/basic list.
If it doesn't recognize the console type then it has to be selected manually.
This is being changed in the upcoming release.

Upcoming release:
We are working on another stable release that will allow you to have the ROM games appear in the general list of games or on a private link.
With that new release, if the ROM games are on the general list of games you can still set a permission to only allow a select group to view & play them. Either way the list of ROM games will be presented in the current flash/HTML5 template scheme since the previous basic list template has been removed.

It still needs work & I don't have a planned release date for it just yet.
SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: EmulatorJS Legal Games
Last post by AllMassive - August 08, 2024, 10:22:16 AM
my  problems were related to my restrictive browersettings - got it fixed now.
so when adding roms, they wont appear in the 'arcade list' and must always be manually selected via 'rom games'-list?
SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: EmulatorJS Legal Games
Last post by AllMassive - August 06, 2024, 08:17:55 PM
Quote from: Chen Zhen on June 14, 2024, 07:08:51 PMI will also be posting instructions on how to get the Arcade to recognize game console types automatically. In some cases this means manually renaming the game's zip file.

any news on that?
updated to latest arcade-version and copied files to 'ArcadeRetroArch/roms' - tried as *.zip and also unpacked, but no luck.
would be great if you could post some step-by-step instructions to get the whole thing running.
tried with gbs,nes,snes roms - but not luck :/
forum is running latest smf with php8.3 and 'ArcadeRetroArch/data/cores' seem to list the correct cores i should need.
SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: HTML5 Save Code V3
Last post by Chen Zhen - July 29, 2024, 02:10:31 PM
For those of you having issues with Origon's save code from older circulating games, you just need to find the file within the game dubbed "ThirdParty.js" & edit the submit_score function near the end of the file. What he posted in the second code block from his previous post is what goes in there except you just need to change the name to match the internal name (not the game name).


Change "MyInternalGameName_Origon" to the internal game name.
// Called when user is ready to submit a score.
submitScore: function(score = null)
    let internalName = 'MyInternalGameName_Origon', newpath = '', pathArray = window.location.pathname.split('/');

    if (!["arcade", "games"].includes(pathArray[1]))
        newpath = '/' + pathArray[1];

    if (score != null) {
        scorepost(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + newpath + '/index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore', {
            gname : internalName,
            gscore: score
SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: Some HTML5 Games are save ...
Last post by Chen Zhen - July 29, 2024, 02:07:29 AM

Origon used to use a save code that caused problems but later changed it to work properly.
Some of the old code is still circulating on websites because it works in some scenarios but not all.

Newer code ref.

1 of the games you attached works fine (Troy Solitaire) but the other 3 games have the older code in them.
Attached are some amended game archives for you.
SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: Some HTML5 Games are save ...
Last post by Allach - July 28, 2024, 09:00:08 PM
These are 4 out of 5 games that don't save scores for me.

This are all HTML5 Games.
SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: Some HTML5 Games are save ...
Last post by Chen Zhen - July 28, 2024, 07:17:15 PM

Attach one of these games so I can test it.
SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: Some HTML5 Games are save ...
Last post by Allach - July 28, 2024, 05:58:42 PM
It's like that with many HTML5 games. Whenever I click on Submit or Submit Score, it jumps to hxxps://nova-arcade.com. In the URL line is the following:

The Arcade is under:

PS:Browser is Firefox

SMF Arcade Support + Plugins / Re: Some HTML5 Games are save ...
Last post by Chen Zhen - July 28, 2024, 04:48:34 PM

Attach one of the games you are referring to.