Daily Lucky Numbers:

Battle Mod

Started by Fog, July 10, 2013, 10:14:27 PM

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Quote from: underdog on July 14, 2013, 09:51:59 PM


  You must have changed the entire hyperlink to just text.  Show me the edit you did to the language file that caused that issue.

Does your language file contain the link? If that's the case that would be the issue.

Chen Zhen


  Yes the language file contains the link now. It has some other additions as well & I forgot to keep track of them for you.
I received permission to modify this mod and release it btw.


Quote from: underdog on July 14, 2013, 09:59:48 PM

  Is this mod's normal behavior set up where an admin/moderator must add users to the game? Or does it normally start someone out with default stat values?

With Default settings...


Quote from: underdog on July 14, 2013, 10:09:15 PM

  Yes the language file contains the link now. It has some other additions as well & I forgot to keep track of them for you.
I received permission to modify this mod and release it btw.

Very Cool....

I'm here to help


Just uploaded the English file...I like it.

Chen Zhen


  It is in the last package that I posted. Here it is anyhow:

.. I forgot to do the utf-8 file, if you use utf-8 that would be the issue.

Regarding some of the requested options, I can add member settings so that some can turn on/off things for themselves. Such as meeting monsters out of range from the map. I have a lot of cleaning up files to do though which will take me some time because some are a huge mess.


I download the zip and then I only updated the source and temp files because I have all tank lingo with my language file. but just added your version and it's fine and looks great.

I did a full install on my test site a few days ago...I haven't tried it with this version yet...but the install went fine.

I like the idea to turn off and on certain features but would like to see that part done on the admin side so everyone is on the same playing level.


When adding a monster you can't see the drop down menu for an image.


Over on the site I help run, we started a new game of battle prior me looking for help on this mod.

So far it's been flawless with the updates we've been doing with Underdog's help.

My guys have seen and noticed the differences but it hasn't disrupted the game what so ever.

I've fixed the admin glitch on my end and changed up a few other things.

Chen Zhen


  I have been working on the mod when I have the time and have added plus fixed a lot of issues thus far. I have a list of things I still have to do prior to releasing another beta in this thread. One thing I neglected to do was configure the leader board so it only holds ie. 50 entries. I don't think a file is really necessary to hold older entries (as does most shoutboxes and such) but I do plan to include a link option to display a longer list. At the moment it will actually eventually cause an issue if there is a lot of game play that records thousands of entries because it will not empty itself. I will give you a code to manually run in a php portal block until I program something proper for it.  As far as files go so far I have tabbed and edited the two template files so they are legible and pass my firefox code filter (tidy) and I will release it in the next few days. I still have not tabbed out the source and js files as of yet as that will take time when I get the chance to do it.

Here is a php code to truncate the leader board that you can use prior to the next beta release. Imo perhaps once a week run the code in a Simple Portal php block by using preview and disable the block (just use preview to use it).

global $smcFunc;

// set to true to omit all entries from the table
$truncate = false;

if ($truncate)
$smcFunc['db_query']('', "TRUNCATE TABLE {db_prefix}battle_champs");
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', "SELECT id_champ FROM {db_prefix}battle_champs ORDER BY id_champ DESC LIMIT 50");
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$del = !empty($row['id_champ']) ? $row['id_champ'] : 0;

if (!empty($del))
$smcFunc['db_query']('', "DELETE FROM {db_prefix}battle_champs WHERE id_champ < {int:champ}",array('champ' => $del));

... that will empty the battle_champs table of any data if $truncate is set to true else it will only hold the last 50 entries.
Also that template does not currently display the data from that table properly which I noticed and will fix it for next release.


Thanks Underdog....Great Stuff

Chen Zhen

Beta releases for this modification will now be posted here:

Those beta packages will only be available to forum members therefore guests will not be able to view or download them.

Chen Zhen


  I forgot to fix the add monster template in that beta version as you had reported earlier.
Here is another link for beta2 which includes that fix:

... Imo the display is superior as compared to before. Although I must replace all the help text to question marks where the q-mark link is opted to see the help text... in the next beta perhaps.


I'll get that version uploaded and tested...


Do you want me to report errors here or over on the other thread?