Daily Lucky Numbers:

Battle 1.0_RC8.0 BETA-UD-X

Started by Chen Zhen, July 20, 2013, 01:05:17 AM

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Chen Zhen

Battle v1.12



  Ok try that one with refreshing and using the back button and let me know if it behaves as it should. The back button is enabled again but it should not allow them to use it to cheat. Also with the back button do not forget it goes back to before the previous history entry which is actually there. Which means when you click on something afterward it will show the last action again... just pay attention to the time of the last history entry prior to pressing the back button to make sure it is not progressing in the quest.

  Please test it out & let me know.

! adjusted all tables columns settings (mostly due to unsigned=true not being done)
! members table has default settings for battle columns
! admin source file makes sure integers are inputted for int inputs (htmlspecialchars already applies to others)
! quest source file always checks for energy else fatal_error
! disable back button omitted
! battle link in nav bar does not show when mod is disabled
! added custom session to check for page refresh and back button cheating (fingers crossed!)


What I'm showing you wouldn't be something a new user would encounter right off the bat, rather something down the road...

Please, in all means, don't let this override other things you're working on and in this case its something I can help with if anyone else has this issue.

I'm having fun playing around with the different settings...Some of the members are wondering what I'm doing.... ::)


Dude, I think you've nailed it...

When you try to refresh it gives you the message no refreshing...

Then if you click back it gives you another message and you end up having to click out off the Quest Page...This is a good thing because it suggests they're in a place to where they have to click their way off the Quest Page.


minor issue with campaigns...

When I try to create a new campaign with a starting date it says "starting date left empty"...

Chen Zhen


  Thanks for reporting that issue.. yes I see what I did wrong and have fixed it. Right now I am going to apply what I did to quests to battle & explore to thwart cheating.


UD, it was just the day before I was working on a campaign and I went to change them today and got the error.  :o

I had to double check too... :)

We're having fun with the game and have these guys thinking about these campaigns and quests instead of just fighting a monster. Turning off the member fighting has also helped with understanding how to put together a campaign.

I've got plans for the follow:


  • Daily Campaign
  • Weekly Campaign
  • Monthly Campaign
  • Yearly Campaign

Working on the Daily Campaign is the toughest part and will be a focus idea...I'm starting to understand the features that much better.

You're making this MOD better and better Thank you sir.


Chen Zhen

Battle v1.12-Beta2


  We'll go with version beta designations so no one gets confused.

! Fixed date input issue in admin->campaign source file
+ added custom session check for user battle (battle-battle)

  Now it will not allow anyone to try to use the back button or a refresh for battling other members. I may change the error message it displays because it may also occur if someone is attacking you the very moment (or a second prior) you attempt to attack them. Whoever is first will have a successful attack. I may just have it state that you attempted an attack but missed or something along those lines... which works for same time attacks or back button/refresh as it will not do anything but show the message.

  Tomorrow I will work on something similar for the explore template whilst battling enemies and explore actions. I will have to figure something out to stop the back refresh for it.


Sounds Good...I'll get you more info tomorrow



Just a tidbit and I think this is done by me modifying the display file.

I take the Attack icon out of the display so my members can't fight each other.

so when I go to uninstall it I get and error displayed in my attachment.

Then when I go to install the updated version it will double up on the profile code but one will be missing the attack icon and command

Chen Zhen


  I just noticed that for the time inputs you have to enter a zero prefix for the am hours prior to 10 ... ie. 07:30 .. and also it is not displaying the correct time. I will fix those things tomorrow perhaps. For now make sure to always use 2 digits for the hours.

Chen Zhen


  If you are editing SMF files around where Battle is modifying them, you are most likely messing it up for when Battle attempts to look for code to place its edits. This is your own doing.


Quote from: underdog on August 27, 2013, 01:27:09 AM

  If you are editing SMF files around where Battle is modifying them, you are most likely messing it up for when Battle attempts to look for code to place its edits. This is your own doing.

I understand...for some reason I can't get the one setting to work for me

Chen Zhen

Quote from: Fog on August 27, 2013, 01:23:32 AM
Just a tidbit and I think this is done by me modifying the display file.

I take the Attack icon out of the display so my members can't fight each other.

so when I go to uninstall it I get and error displayed in my attachment.

Then when I go to install the updated version it will double up on the profile code but one will be missing the attack icon and command

btw it does not double up on an edit.. it is 2 edits to the same file and it can not make one of the edits because you changed the file and it can not find the exact code it is looking for.  I will make it so the attack does not show when that option is disabled..
With the version you are using, even if they press the link to attack and you have that option disabled, does it not display an error message for them? I thought I put that in?! If not I will make sure it does that if they use direct url to attack.

  Too tired to continue for today.. I am currently working on the explore to stop refresh & back button but it is being stubborn for me tonight or maybe I am just too tired to see the issue. working on explore attack monster atm.



It's funny none of my users would point this out to me...they were trying to keep me from fixing a loophole...LOL

One of the first ways for my users to level up was attacking other members...I took that away from them and they don't like it.

Can you put a limit on how many times you can kill a member?  Meaning if you were to enable a member to attack other members, you can only do it a certain amount of times?

It's like using a wild card...

Chen Zhen

Battle v1.12-Beta3


! fixed display of icons/links in profile, posting and PM
! added custom session checks to battle, explore and quest
! added fatal_error back button href changes (via js) for battle, explore and quest templates
! fixed helptxt grammar for campaign permissions
! fixed installation for when previous version (v1.0-RC7-2) was installed (monsters table needed values added) 
! time inputs for battle campaigns no longer need 0 prefix for 1 - 9 hour (24 hr clock) entry
! users are assigned default stats for startup