+*& Changed: admin language for emulator update template
! Fixed: proper user/error message when ROM Arcade is disabled
! Fixed: new game notifications for user groups without permission
! Fixed: links for ROM games for new game notifications
! Fixed: aesthetics of forum post, PM & email for new game notifications
! Fixed: link tree when using ROM Arcade
! Fixed: navigation tree adapts to current Arcade list template
! Fixed: opted list/skin adheres to default admin settings
! Fixed: transfer of updated Ruffle source files
! Fixed: css & template for game reports
! Fixed: update/install of self-hosted EmulatorJS core from WebDev replaced EmulatorJS index file in error
! Fixed: undefined array in Arcade maintenance for categories
! Fixed: missing DB column for table update in ROM game installer
! Fixed: thumbnail file mismatch for game installer
! Fixed: maintenance for fixing thumbnails
! Fixed: undefined error from list/skin template
+*& Added: proper ROM games list
+*& Added: Admin options for EmulatorJS ROM game template
+*& Added: User options for EmulatorJS ROM game template
+*& Added: option to also include ROM games in Arcade games list
+*& Added: SMF ROM games can be installed via Arcade installer
+*& Added: unique PHP file config values for downloading ROM games
+*& Added: editing options for ROM games
+*& Added: maintenance options for ROM game & core directories/files
+*& Added: optional thumbnail sizing for native lists
+*& Added: ability to upload thumbnail files & display them within the game editor
+*& Added: preview button within the game editor
+*& Added: unique download permissions for ROM games
+*& Added: ability to host remote ROM games
+*& Added: vertical thumbnail scroller for EnterpriseA ROM template
+*& Added: ability to remove Ruffle/EmulatorJS host files
+*& Added: ability to set Ruffle/EmulatorJS core behavior
+*& Added: profile settings for independent ROM games template
+*& Added: ROM & HTML5/Flash Arcade buttons on opposite templates
+*& Added: permission settings for playing and downloading ROM games
+*& Added: option to remove all SMF-Arcade game files/database entries during uninstall
+*& Added: maintenance option to fix thumbnail files
+*& Added: maintenance option to reset increment for skins, lists, mobile_skins & mobile_lists tables to last highest value
+*& Added: option to select mobile skin/list that uses current theme css
+*& Added: additional mobile "Mobile Selfsame" templates & renamed "Generic Mobile" to "Mobile Light"
+*& Added: cache expiry settings
+& Added: additional debug logging options
+ Added: EmulatorJS uses available forum/user language setting
+ Added: additional contribution notes for both Emulator developers on install
+ Changed: HTML5/Flash/ROM save types stored in arcade settings DB table
+ Changed: EmulatorJS/Ruffle core admin uses native json files to detect version
+ Changed: additional DB fields for ROM games
+ Changed: ROM index.php & .htaccess not swapped out in RetroArch update for RC/Beta
+*& Changed: game installations restricted to 15 max when translation script is enabled (override available)
+*& Changed: all templates altered for independant ROM games list mode
+*& Changed: all skins, lists, mobile skins & mobile lists DB structure altered
+* Changed: ROM (raw) game install attempts to find proper game name from file
+*& Changed: ROM games now play in 3 modes (small screen, full screen & popup)
+*& Changed: ROM core update & Ruffle core update templates revamped
+*& Changed: Ruffle core updater template and function
+*& Changed: HTML5 chunk-upload script permanently enabled (Admin option removed)
+*& Changed: all global SMF Arcade $modSettings moved to $arcadeModSettings (DB table for general settings changed: settings -> arcade_modsettings)
+*& Changed: revamped main maintenance template with shorter text & styled buttons
+*& Changed: revamped main settings template with unique checkboxes
+*& Changed: all applicable Arcade data now cached (if enabled)
+*& Changed: date format for reported games
+ Changed: uninstall process retains EmulatorJS & Ruffle files (maintenance has a removal option)
! Fixed: unclosed DB queries possibly causing memory leaks
! Fixed: serialized DB data is now filtered
! Fixed: custom skins/lists reworked
! Fixed: debug logging options are properly adhered to for game & core installations
! Fixed: category listing options for no cats & all games
! Fixed: random game selection was broken
! Fixed: permissions properly checked for game downloads
! Fixed: hex to RGB sub-routine
! Fixed: latest games/most played css for EnterpriseA
! Fixed: PHP game info file not detected for some HTML5/Flash games
! Fixed: issue with creation of upload & download paths during the installation
! Fixed: game installation searches decompressed archive for icons
! Fixed: undefined error for game scoring where comments are disabled
! Fixed: ROM game type match during the game installation
! Fixed: ROM game type match in game play template
! Fixed: swapped GROUP BY to ORDER BY for games list DB query
! Fixed: css for Enterprise-A desktop template
! Fixed: flash games set to fullscreen mode not working on mobile device
! Fixed: game play counter had improper tally
! Fixed: thumbnail resizing preserves animation for gif mime type
+ Added: CDN for EmulatorJS data files
!* Changed: EmulatorJS updated to version 4.0.12
!* Changed: Updated ROM template to use JQuery v3.7.1
!* Fixed: css for lengthy games list allows scrolling
!* Fixed: redefine error for constant in "data/loader2.js" file
+*& Added: Additional category icon settings for main templates
+*& Added: EmulatorJS ROM game support
+*& Added: Sub-Routine to download the EmulatorJS library is included within the installer
+*& Added: Admin Option to disable comments
!*& Added: Ruffle CDN can be opted from admin settings
!*& Changed: Version reference updated in all files to reflect official release (v2.7)
! Changed: Current saved score is oblique + bold
! Fixed: Shockwave Flash detection was causing a JavaScript error
! Fixed: Interlace handling warning for category icons
! Fixed: Category names cannot be empty
! Fixed: Missing DB field submit_system_flag for game install sub-routine
! Fixed: duplicate session score check
! Fixed: HTML for high score PM
- SMF 2.0.X support dropped for all future development
+ Added: Detection of Shockwave Flash plugin automatically disables Ruffle
! Changed: Sub-Routine to download Ruffle the library is now included within the installer
+*& Added: Option to select default games list sorting
+*& Added: Option to disable Arcade JavaScript/CSS file caching
+*& Added: Override option to disable game downloads per category
+*& Added: Override option to enable JS file insertion per category
! Fixed: Possible PHP syntax error while installing multiple games
! Fixed: ZipArchive() Pecl class used as default zip handler for game uploads
!* Fixed: more scenarios of game upload failures logged if enabled
!* Changed: Ruffle install/update is now downloaded after mod installation
!* Changed: max length of category names set to 120 characters
!* Changed: Enterprise-C skin updated for aesthetics
!* Changed: Vintage list updated for aesthetics
! Fixed: modified DB DELETE query due to possible incorrect DOUBLE value error
! Fixed: all varchar columns set to byte limit depending on database type
! Fixed: possible array offset error for flash game installation (background color detection)
! Fixed: partial Arcade user profile summary displayed in PM settings
! Fixed: improper syntax for chmod()
! Fixed: updated to use SMF read_tgz_file() function
+*& Changed: Arcade will still show for admin when disabled with a top message
! Fixed: Arcade admin shows when modification is disabled
! Fixed: JavaScript error in popup template
+* Changed: more aesthetic icons used for Arcade profile info
! Fixed: possible undefined errors from recent Arcade profile additions
! Fixed: profile_fields hook removal for SMF 2.1 branch