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Questions about roleplaying mod

Started by Adora, February 23, 2017, 04:13:46 AM

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Uhm... hi  :-[

First time posting, so I apologize if I accidentally ask questions that have already been asked or are irrelevant. I was wondering if there presently is a mod that does the following, or if the battle or arcade mods already do this. For the longest time I've been having the unsavory task of having my play by post roleplays fail because of god modding and I wanted to figure out a way to fix this. What I am looking for is for a tabletop-type of plugin I can add to smf that makes it so people have to use dice to roll out outcomes for their characters. I'm probably going to make this sound more technical and complicated than it is, so warning in advance >w<;;;;

Very basically, an RPG mod where new users fill out a character sheet and allocate a limited amount of skillpoints to various classes or skill sets. The classes or skills are predetermined by the admin when creating the form for users to fill out. These initial skillpoints act as bonus multipliers for dice rolls against monsters with predetermined stats, and against other users with their own exp. I'm also hoping the mod could keep record of each user's stats, and updates the players' stats according to each successful roll. Rolls award posters exp that act as additional bonus multipliers for future rolls.

This is simply so that people don't try to make their characters overpowered with too many skills that lack an objective way of moderating them. In my experience people become resentful and may spread gossip/create "hate cliques" when other people complain about their characters. It is one of the biggest problems with play by post websites and is one of the biggest reasons they end up shutting down in my opinion. Without an objective way of keeping God modders in check, it almost feels inevitable, especially if the forum becomes large. If this does not exist, could anyone help me make this a reality?

Thank you for reading!  :)


Hi Adora and welcome!

There used to be a mod similar to that quite a few years ago but the creator gave up on it and hasn't been seen since. I used to play with it myself. I'm a fan of RPG games but haven't played the old tabletop versions in ages. I do play the graphical games and have a lot of the old Advanced Dungeons and Dragons games on my PC and still play them from time to time.

Making it a reality would take a huge undertaking...not saying it can't be done. I know very little coding so I can't help, myself. But I do wish you luck with it.


Quote from: Skhilled on February 23, 2017, 09:47:40 AMHi Adora and welcome!

There used to be a mod similar to that quite a few years ago but the creator gave up on it and hasn't been seen since. I used to play with it myself. I'm a fan of RPG games but haven't played the old tabletop versions in ages. I do play the graphical games and have a lot of the old Advanced Dungeons and Dragons games on my PC and still play them from time to time.

Making it a reality would take a huge undertaking...not saying it can't be done. I know very little coding so I can't help, myself. But I do wish you luck with it.

Thank you so much for reading my post! Do you remember the name of this mod, and can you tell me what forum platform was it on (phpbb, smf, etc)?

Also... judging by your avatar, I take it you are from Gaia? Do you know of any mods (preferably smf) that does avatar layering?


I don't remember the name of it but it was for SMF. If you do a search for RPG forums you'll find a ton of forums that play tabletop rpg. One of them may be able to help you better. You could also go to the various forums and do a search to see what's available, if any.

I created my avatar using avatar software created by a friend about 8-10 years ago (maybe longer, LOL). I think this is still his site now cause the software looks similar but bit different:



...and if you're into the old PC text adventure games you can play the Zork Trilogy games here:


For your PC, the old AD&D games and other RPG games for your PC can be found at http://gog.com - most will work with Win 10.


I'm still a little confused. I thought the Battle mod had a player v.s. player system and a player v.s. monster system. Could you please tell me how does it work, exactly, if you don't me asking? I guess what I am looking for is something that can let users battle one another in a roleplaying setting using dice, but the forum itself keeps tabs on a user's increased stats for future battles.


Yes, you can battle other users or just battle monsters. However, this does not use dice, per se. It does simulate something like it when you attack another player or monster. you do not see the die roll, it just calculates it and show you how much damage there was, if any.

The game itself will keep tabs on how many wins/losses you have who you've defeated and will notify users if someone attacks you.

EDIT: I just attacked you and here's the results:

You lost dealing 4 damage to Adora and taking 20 Damage

You have sacrificed 5 attack points.
You have sacrificed 4 defense points.
Your opponent earned a total of 3 Battle Points for your defeat

In your attempt to take down Adora you were killed.

You should have gotten a notification about it if you have notifications turned on in your profile.

The battle mod is the closest thing you'll get using SMF. For other forums you'll have to go to their support sites and search their mods to see if they have any and if so if they are still working.