Daily Lucky Numbers:

Battle v1.15 Beta Releases

Started by Chen Zhen, January 31, 2014, 10:12:44 PM

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Underdog, I think you aren't correct with the numbering of the beta. I think the last beta was 6. Now you release 6 again. I think you had twice beta 5.

PS: Underdog, I'm doing minor clean-up changes here and there. Mostly to text. My coding skills aren't what they used to be. Today for example I updated the change log a bit for you ;)


I think I found a bug.

At my forum we have an event that takes 666 health. I was unlucky and got this event. So I lost all my health. Basically, I died. But I didn't appear in the graveyard...


Quote from: underdog on March 30, 2014, 05:34:07 AM


  Ok but I have to ask, have you updated to the latest version where you are asking me to test it?
It doesn't do me much good to test something I may have already fixed or where you possibly altered related files.

UD, I have updated it to the latest version. 

Here's what I'm having problems with.  Making the campaign work for each of the players.  It seems I don't have the settings right,  I'm not getting an error it's just not playing the same for everyone.  So I'm thinking if you were to setup a campaign we'd be able to how the settings are suppose to be and learn from there.

Any help would be great.


Chen Zhen


  Yes I erred on the beta designation back at five.. not matter as we will just continue from here.
As for the changelog, if I add something within the beta packages and then fix it along the way, the beta changes will be posted but not necessarily added to the official changelog. The changelog may just inform of what was added in general or changed from the last official release.

Chen Zhen


  You still have an issue with avatars? I thought I fixed that but perhaps not.

Chen Zhen


  I have fixed the member avatars for the next beta. 
You need to adjust permission settings for each campaign. Currently, none of your campaigns are assigned to any membergroups.
This is done within SMF permissions and not within the Battle admin section. When you add a campaign, the permission setting will appear for it in your smf admin permissions section.

  You can view what membergroups are assigned within each campaign at the bottom of: admin -> battle -> campaigns. The help question mark tells you how you should have adjusted that feature.

Chen Zhen

 Set all the membergroups you wish for participating in a campaign if necessary.
I see alpha campaign is set to the Arm Commander group but it is not working for my membergroup which is Battle God.

.. I will check on this tomorrow as it is now time for bed.


OK...I think I have a campaigned setup to start tomorrow for my users.


Quote from: underdog on March 29, 2014, 03:08:57 PM
Battle v1.15 Beta6

! fixed DESC order of tallied game + bonus points

  The scores issue should be fixed now.

Yes it does work nicely now... Thank You


I still have the same problem with the campaign as follow:

I belong to the Alpha Campaign group.

I set two quest both belonging to the Alpha campaign and everything is fine. I can access and play both!

Then I add a Third Quest and I assign that to the Beta campaign

When I log in into the game again this is what I get (Picture Attached)

All Campaign become not accessible to anyone that plays the game.

Is that how it is supposed to work? Can you only have one Campaign running at any given time?


Chen Zhen

  No it is not supposed to work like that. As long as one has permission to play the campaign, is at the appropriate battle level and the previous level is completed (<-- if set as such) then the next level should be playable. Also each campaign should not be affecting the others. Clearly the routine for the campaigns needs a serious overhaul.

  The fix for the battle members list has been posted on GitHub. If you would like to apply it prior to me releasing another beta then do it manually.
I will not be posting another beta until I have applied a possible fix for the campaigns, hopefully I will have time to do that this weekend.



Quote from: underdog on April 02, 2014, 10:53:18 PM
  No it is not supposed to work like that. As long as one has permission to play the campaign, is at the appropriate battle level and the previous level is completed (<-- if set as such) then the next level should be playable. Also each campaign should not be affecting the others. Clearly the routine for the campaigns needs a serious overhaul.

  The fix for the battle members list has been posted on GitHub. If you would like to apply it prior to me releasing another beta then do it manually.
I will not be posting another beta until I have applied a possible fix for the campaigns, hopefully I will have time to do that this weekend.


If you are referring to the avatar in the member list, mine is working fine, as You did fix it in the beta 5. I think we are doing good. I have no problem in waiting for your beta releases...
Thank you



Quote from: NekoJonez on March 30, 2014, 10:53:52 AM
I think I found a bug.

At my forum we have an event that takes 666 health. I was unlucky and got this event. So I lost all my health. Basically, I died. But I didn't appear in the graveyard...

I think you might have skipped this.


Quote from: underdog on March 29, 2014, 03:08:57 PM
Battle v1.15 Beta6


! fixed DESC order of tallied game + bonus points
! fixed various language discrepencies
! fixed line endings of all files to ~ Unix /n
! fixed UTF-8 language files to UTF-8 encoding

  The scores issue should be fixed now.

  Language edits have been applied and thank you for the PR on GitHub. However, with the amount of changes done locally I am going to just update the repo directly instead of approving the actual PR. I will note in the PR that they were applied though.

  Do you still have a campaign issue? If so then I will come to your forum to have a look at it. I have tested it and everything seems fine but perhaps I am overlooking something. 

  The Unix line endings I just applied to all files may remedy the issue that was reported regarding editing files via FTP.
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Chen Zhen