Daily Lucky Numbers:

Battle v1.15 Beta Releases

Started by Chen Zhen, January 31, 2014, 10:12:44 PM

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Thank Fog.. I asked you before actually about your conversion from monster to tank... I don't know what's your Website address is?... I would like to see what you have done with it...



Hello Underdog...
This is not a bug but purely  a cosmetics problem. The numbers don't line up especially the def column...

That window in questions is the Monster list

Thank You


Chen Zhen

Apologies as I was attending to fixing other peoples forums for the last week.
I will be looking into the reports tonight and most likely will post another beta this weekend.



That's fine Underdog. Welcome back.

I understand.


Underdog, what happened to my language edits?

Chen Zhen


  Your language edits are still within the pull request you created on GitHub. I have not had time as of yet to look them over completely although I have done so briefly. I may apply them but keep in mind that I may not agree with some & not apply them. Do not fret if I do not agree with all of them though & don't be afraid to keep plugging away.

  I apologize again for not having time to work on this mod for the past few weeks. A combination of helping others, testing & applying fixes for bugs in SMF 2.1 (that came to my attention from helping others) and a car accident I was involved in  >:(

  I have been working on it today although I am only looking at the reports right this moment. The only thing I have done so far is add SMF 2.1 support which seems to be working fine atm. This may be released as 2 mods because I think the overall file size is getting too large and I do not want peoples forums to crash with a memory error whilst trying to upload the zip file.


Chen Zhen

Battle v1.15 Beta5


Overall Changes for v1.15 Beta
+ added user settings custom hook for Battle (SMF 2.0.X branch)
+ added member context custom hook for Battle (SMF 2.0.X branch)
+ added SMF 2.1.X branch support
+ added admin->big images for SMF 2.1.X branch
! changed file edit to $user_info hook for Battle (existing hook)
! whichever member column is opted will be included in the above changes
! changed to max atk and max def for stats chart
! fixed user avatar in Battle template
! fixed user avatars in battle members template
! edited admin display to only include beta testers that contributed since Battle v1.1+
! fixed SMF2-1x_install.xml file
! reorganized/added source files due to previous large file sizes causing ftp issues
! added custom template file for freshlooks theme
! fixed unset variable in BattleAdminQuests.php
! fixed adding campaigns issue
! fixed undefined array where no campaigns exist
! fixed shoutbox refresh issue (now redirects to current sub action)
! fixed sub-action icons and titles for Battle Who's Online
! fixed alignment of monsters/enemies data in Battle template
! fixed installation version ranges
! fixed DESC order of tallied game + bonus points

  I did not test the tallied game + bonus points or the reported quest issues. Language edits have not been implemented as of yet.
GitHub has not been updated to this version.


Quote from: underdog on March 07, 2014, 04:24:19 PM

  Your language edits are still within the pull request you created on GitHub. I have not had time as of yet to look them over completely although I have done so briefly. I may apply them but keep in mind that I may not agree with some & not apply them. Do not fret if I do not agree with all of them though & don't be afraid to keep plugging away.

I totally understand and agree man. It's your mod anyways. I'm glad to help btw ;) Shall I check the new languages or shall I leave my pull request?

So, from what I gathered, I think this is the changelog for beta 5

Quote from: underdog on March 08, 2014, 12:53:18 AM

+ added SMF 2.1.X branch support
+ added admin->big images for SMF 2.1.X branch
! changed file edit to $user_info hook for Battle (existing hook)
! changed to max atk and max def for stats chart
! fixed SMF2-1x_install.xml file
! fixed sub-action icons and titles for Battle Who's Online
! fixed alignment of monsters/enemies data in Battle template
! fixed installation version ranges
! fixed DESC order of tallied game + bonus points


Quote from: underdog on March 07, 2014, 04:24:19 PM

  I apologize again for not having time to work on this mod for the past few weeks. A combination of helping others, testing & applying fixes for bugs in SMF 2.1 (that came to my attention from helping others) and a car accident I was involved in  >:(


I wouldn't worry about this stuff. The important thing is that you are ok.. :)



Quote from: underdog on March 08, 2014, 12:53:18 AM
Battle v1.15 Beta5

  I did not test the tallied game + bonus points or the reported quest issues. Language edits have not been implemented as of yet.
GitHub has not been updated to this version.

Hi there...

I still get the score mixed up...



So, is the v1.15 going to be released soon or do you wait on more testing?

Chen Zhen

  As of late I have been working on other projects such as Avatar Attachments Transer and the Navgoco SP Plugin but I have now finished with both of them for the time being.

  I need to fix the issue with the score display.  The routine I have for sorting scores that include the quest bonus points should be working properly but apparently it is not. I will have to take a look at it to see what the issue is which I may do today or tomorrow.

Chen Zhen

Battle v1.15 Beta6


! fixed DESC order of tallied game + bonus points
! fixed various language discrepencies
! fixed line endings of all files to ~ Unix /n
! fixed UTF-8 language files to UTF-8 encoding

  The scores issue should be fixed now.

  Language edits have been applied and thank you for the PR on GitHub. However, with the amount of changes done locally I am going to just update the repo directly instead of approving the actual PR. I will note in the PR that they were applied though.

  Do you still have a campaign issue? If so then I will come to your forum to have a look at it. I have tested it and everything seems fine but perhaps I am overlooking something. 

  The Unix line endings I just applied to all files may remedy the issue that was reported regarding editing files via FTP.


Quote from: underdog on March 29, 2014, 03:08:57 PM
  Do you still have a campaign issue? If so then I will come to your forum to have a look at it. I have tested it and everything seems fine but perhaps I am overlooking something.

This might be the perfect time to come over and setup a campaign....We have two players that are neck and neck and are bounds and leaps ahead of the other players.

The other players can shift their gears and do a campaign while the other two battle it out...

This will help us all out..

You're all setup to have access to all the settings at this point so tweak it if you want...

I'll have get this current update in place.

Chen Zhen


  Ok but I have to ask, have you updated to the latest version where you are asking me to test it?
It doesn't do me much good to test something I may have already fixed or where you possibly altered related files.