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EhPortal version 1.22

Started by Chen Zhen, September 11, 2018, 09:53:29 PM

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Chen Zhen

Eh Portal v1.22

EhPortal 1.22
+ Adjusted css and javascript for responsive mobile
! Filtered page id query for allowed characters
! Fixed css for articles block title
! Fixed default/images url for icons
! Fixed css for body class settings

The main changes are css adjustments for the responsive layout and some minor bug fixes.
Please report any feedback and/or bugs in this support board.

The package is available in the download section.

Chen Zhen

There is a small bug with this version.
If you have selected the option in SMF admin to not allow guests to browse the forum and are on the home screen, it shows a logon box/form.
When the "Home" button is clicked and then you try to log in it redirects to a url void of "index.php?"..
This only occurs when EhPortal is installed.

I will look into this minor glitch this weekend.