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Chat box not working

Started by Missy, July 17, 2018, 11:44:59 AM

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I installed EhPortal to my SMF 2.1 Beta 4 forum (just testing). Everything works fine, exepct the chat box. I can type a message but when I click on the shout button nothing happen. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with it?

Chen Zhen

You'll have to wait for the next version of EhPortal to be released which should be within a few weeks.
The shoutbox has been almost completely changed and needs further testing prior to a release.


Thanks for the info. I will wait for that.

Chen Zhen

I decided to release v1.2 yesterday.
The shoutbox should work just fine as it has been tested for the last few weeks.
Please read the release announcement for details.


Thanks, it works now but I have one problem. My forum uses Hungarian language and when I type accentuated letters (E.g. á, é, ü ó) they won't show up at all. Is there any solution for this? The forum default language is Hungarian.

Chen Zhen

I will look into the issue you describe and fix it.
When the fix is released I will let you know in this thread.
Thank you for the report.

Chen Zhen

The package has been updated to v1.21.
Please install the newer version and let me know if it works as expected.

Thank you.


Yes, it works fine now. 👍 Thanks a lot.