Daily Lucky Numbers:

Shout Scores

Started by Chen Zhen, July 06, 2013, 03:29:22 PM

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Chen Zhen

Shout Scores - Simple Portal/SMF Arcade Plugin
Version 1.3

This modification will function with Simple Portal 2.3.4/2.3.5 and SMF Arcade 2.018+ / SMF Arcade 2.5 RC1/RC2
It will allow your SMF Arcade to shout new high scores to your Simple Portal Shoutbox.

Please Note:
This modification will add extra block settings on the Simple Portal Admin Page.
Admin -> Simple Portal -> Configuration -> Block Settings
Block ID and Top/Side block settings available.
Failing to use an active Shoutbox setting may result in an Arcade scoring malfunction.

This Simple Portal/SMF Arcade add-on c/o Underdog

Note: Prior to updating this plugin you must uninstall and delete any older version of it.

Chen Zhen

Version 1.3 released in the first post.

! fixed issue with side block display

The update fixes an issue with the side block display.


Hello underdog,

I first off all like the shoutbox. The new version installed. If I play a game and submit points, there will be two reports to be that I have achieved. Many points Furthermore is now the name of the game to stand, that's a completely different face, so what would I now need to get the game played? The picture And can I only get a message or I did something wrong.

I also think it's super awesome that you got this done. For this super thanks from me.

greetings Johannnes

Chen Zhen


  The side block display for this mod does not show the game icon but does show a game link that goes to the game.  I gave proper instruction in your Simple Portal thread to uninstall and then delete the old version of the mod prior to installing the new version. If you are receiving duplicate shouts when a hi score is being displayed, this would most likely be because you failed to uninstall the older version of this mod prior to deleting it.


I've really taken the time, and it works really super all. I have to thank you for really super really the right information. I have been using it anyway succeeded. Seemed as Another time thank you so much for your effort.

I'm really happy with it.

Greetings and thanks for everything



Hmm...even with the version 1.3 I still get the [LINK] in my shouts... I have two forums, the test one, and the live one...on the test one everything is OK, but on the Live one, I get [LINK] instead of Arcade name, and images appear as HighSlide. Is there a way to disable that ?


One of my forums is in subfolder like this:


and other one is on subdomain like this:


on second one everything works great, but on the one in the subfolder and with hxxp://www. it doesn't work. Hope this helps.


hello chen

when you have time can you upload the plugin


Chen Zhen

This will only work for Simple Portal.
It should be in the download section.

Vincent Titus

I confirm it also works with smf 2.017 and simple portal 2.3.7

Vincent Titus

Install error with arcade 2.6 I'll Elaborate more when I get off work and get home

Chen Zhen

This is not for SMF Arcade version 2.6.
SMF Arcade shouts scores to its own shoutbox.

EhPortal 1.28 is pending a release but it already has a built in option to shout scores to its own shoutbox using SMF Arcade v2.6.
This mod is only compatible with the versions of the arcade & simple portal stated in the first post.

Quote from: vinceI confirm it also works with smf 2.017 and simple portal 2.3.7

If it still works with those 2 mods then those will be the limit but nothing beyond them version wise.

Chen Zhen

I will probably update this mod to work with the newer arcade version.
However, I would like to work on releasing another Arcade update (bug fixes) & EhPortal first prior to delving into other modifications.


It search for subs-arcade.php in install, but that file don't exist.
Is it okay to make an empty one and insert it in source?

Chen Zhen

No that will not work.
You will have to wait until I update this mod if you want it to work with Simple Portal & Arcade 2.6.

If you use SMF 2.1, EhPortal v1.28+ & Arcade 2.6+ then this plug-in is not necessary.