Daily Lucky Numbers:

File failed to load: 0 byte file

Started by grandseb59, April 24, 2020, 09:43:09 AM

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Chen Zhen

Also 755 permission setting is very important rather than 777.
For it to work correctly you need the proper ownership set on the forum directory in the first place.
Your forum directory should be set to apache ownership.
The command to set that will depend on your Distro.
Although if you have a control panel such as Plesk or CPanel, there should be an option to set that or fix ownership & permissions.

Chen Zhen

The script for uploading is working fine on this site & doc skillz which is why I failed to see the issue.
Recently I created 2 fresh test forums (using both SMF versions) and have found there is an issue with the upload script.

What you can do until it is fixed is use FTP to upload the compressed game files to your "Games" directory.
From that point you can install the games from the Arcade admin section & they should work fine.
This issue will be fixed in the upcoming release.

Thank you for reporting the problem.