Daily Lucky Numbers:

Battle 1.0_RC8.0 BETA-UD-X

Started by Chen Zhen, July 20, 2013, 01:05:17 AM

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Quote from: underdog on July 23, 2013, 06:40:16 PM

  Please make sure to always uninstall and delete older versions prior to installing a newer version. 

  I no longer have the issue you speak of regrading duplicate text in the user profile. If you are having an issue parsing the edit I spoke of before then upload your /Themes/default/Profile.template.php file to tiny upload and post the link. This way I can edit the file for you so you do not see this behavior. I will look at the other issues you describe later tonight when I have time (I would have done this today but I made your portal pages plugin instead). The newer version does not make any edits to that template as it is now done via $context from a source file.


  I tested it quickly on your live forum as well (and uninstalled it immediately afterward) and saw that it worked as expected. Your SMF 2.0.2 issue must be because you tested it on a SMF 2.0.2 install that was updated with patches. The template that displays that info gets the version from the SMF settings table. To verify my hypothesis check out that install again and look at the SMF version from you admin support information. Unless of course it somehow double checks for patches in which case I suppose I will have to do the same.

LOL, it was already installed on my live forum. I did it yesterday. ;)

You know...I was thinking that it may have been something with the upgrades. I planned on redoing the upgrade just to see. I think I upgraded through the admin on the test forum. Yeah, I know it's better to do it using the package itself but SMF said it would be OK. Little they know. LOL

Quote from: SA on July 24, 2013, 06:40:23 AM
nice work ud  8)

Hey bro!

Chen Zhen


Download: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=41900606798954187693


! fixed shoutbox history
! fixed pagination (again)
! fixed admin-item image javascript & subroutine
! fixed admin-item & admin-monster template for existing image of item/monster
! edited some template lists for appearance/function (image alignment & alternating css)
! cleaned up subroutine for battle online (WIP ... implementing js)

  I did some other stuff as well but I forget the specifics (too tired atm). Mostly fixing anything I notice is awry. 

Pending tomorrow:
! fix html for battle-explore template (needs uniform id's because it is showing html errors)
! look at possible occasional js refresh of container id for online warriors (maybe)
! investigate monster hp reset during fighting  (perhaps SESSION variable is not set somewhere?)
! alternate css for admin-shop, admin-quest, admin-explore lists


  Thanks. I cleaned it up fairly well so I can work with it now. Atm just trying to work out any bugs.


So Far So Good Underdog.... 8)

From both the Admin side and User side it's working great.

Chen Zhen

[SMF MOD] Battle_RC1.0_RC8.0_BETA-UD-7

Download: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=08948948508809790145

! fixed warriors online current action-image display and added comma's
! fixed css/html in template menus (cells were not lining up and wrong sizing)
! alternate css for rows in various lists (windowbg/windowbg2)
! fixed pagination/order/sort url variables in template & source files
! pagination for all lists now use limit (now current lists will not query whole db tables)
! fixed mysql query for battle quests (wrong column name)
! fixed issue with logic for updating member data with quests

  I decided to limit all queries in lists even though for some it is not really necessary. If you see any issue with any lists regarding their content or the pagination just tell me so I can fix it. There should not be an issue but sometimes I may miss something.

  I still need to work on the explore template and how it uses these <map> tags. This will be my next priority as the current map template shows html errors due to incorrect usage of ids/names. This means that for some browsers it may not work properly in its current state.


  I have briefly tested fighting monsters and do not have an issue. I may become a member of the forum you admin that uses the game so I may test it whilst others are using it.

  I just started testing battle quests and that part was not designed properly at all. Winning a quest resets your stats and truncates a bunch of tables??? I am going to write something proper for the quest function which is also next on the agenda.



  I have briefly tested fighting monsters and do not have an issue. I may become a member of the forum you admin that uses the game so I may test it whilst others are using it.

It has been suggested that part the reset issue has been because of users battling the same monster at the same time.

As we've added more monsters the issue has not been reported.

We can start over and have one monster and see how that plays out...

If you decide to join up...I already have a permission made up for a battle mod.



The problem I am having with the Member's page appears to be server related. I tried to install a new test forum but things are going screwy. I even tried using Installatron for comparision and got the same SMF install results. I have sent in a ticket so I'll hold off testing until things are solved. Just a heads up. ;)

I have downloaded the latest version...

EDIT: The problem is still being worked on but I just came up with an idea. Can it be possible that the Member's Page issue is due to the number of forum members?

It works at Docskillz.com and on Fog's forum, both of which have a number of members. However, my test forums only have maybe 5 members tops on any of the 10 test forums I have.


The reset issue happened to me again tonight and after the monster reset I saw over in Battle History that another user just slayed that same monster.

They don't complain about the monster resetting because they are gain that much more exp points as they battle it again.

Is it possible that two different users are feeding off the same Sub Action?

Can one create a Sub Action that is user only?  Excuse me for I do not know any code terms.

How about "level" as a Sub Action

Chen Zhen

[SMF MOD] Battle_RC1.0_RC8.0_BETA-UD-8

Download: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=03626601943974356751

+ added language variables (admin and user)
+ battle_quest_champs table added
! edited both template files for quest
! edited source code for quest
! battle_quest_hist table dropped

  I will take a look at these issues tomorrow. Today I was more concerned with attempting to reconfigure how the quest function works as I did not agree with how it was written. Previously if you completed a quest it would reset all your stats and truncate (wipe) some tables of all data such as the graveyard. Why someone programmed it to do that is not to my understanding.

  The new set up for quests is a bit different. It will now reward the most for a final quest that is completed/won, reward lesser values for a regular quest that is completed/won and will penalize for a quest that is lost. There are now 3 extra inputs in the admin-quest add/delete template. Some of the help text was removed because I am going to make it show in a popup when a q-mark is pressed eventually (for all admin templates).

  Here is the basic changes you need to know for those settings:

- user can gain between 0 and minimum gold when the quest is not final (random)
- user can gain between 0 and minimum experience when the quest is not final (random)
- user can gain between min/max gold when the quest is final
- user can gain between min/max experience when the quest is final
- user can lose between 0 and minimum gold when the quest is lost
- user can lose between 0 and minimum experience when the quest is lost
- user always loses hp amount when trying the quest

  Imo it makes more sense this way. There is a gamble when performing a quest and if the user wins the quest they are rewarded. If they lose they are slightly penalized. The way it was previously the user was penalized for winning a quest which did not make any sense to me. I still have to work on the quest a bit more but at least it will function properly for your users and testing. For now make sure the minimum values are lower than the max values as I have not made the admin source file check them as of yet (pending).

  You might need to change the language for your quests in admin-edit-quest so it makes more sense for what happens now. What I mean is that the gold and experience values are somewhat random now whereas the text for your quests might reflect a constant integer value which is no longer relevant.

  I have already set up a db table that records stats for the quests. Soon I will add the option to view those stats in the leader board but I have not got that far just yet. Too tired atm and will continue tomorrow...

+ add quest stats to leader board template/source file
+ add option to truncate quest stats in maintenance
! ensure $_SESSION is set for all explore/battle scenarios (Imo - Fog's issue)
! ensure user list works properly where only 1 member exists in the database (Skhilled issue)
! adjust all db queries to smf (recent) standard (SMF team requires/requests ie. db_insert & not query UPDATE)
! cross reference min/max gold/exp settings in admin source file for quests
! remove new images that were added (going to be changed to an expansion pack with settings already in place)
! some language to be db settings (ie. monster)

... other stuff can't remember now.. time for bed


QuoteWinning a quest resets your stats and truncates a bunch of tables???

shoulda only done this if it was final quest adrew did that part

tho the main qest part with out final quest was coded by me. was never truly happy with the way quest where im glad to see it get fixed up tho

keep up the great work ud  8)

are you gonna use github for this mod? just wondering cos im stalking your github page lol

Customizer @ SimpleMachines


One thing with the way the quests are setup with the newest version is that, if you can't attack a monster until level one and rely on a quest to gain exp points you might start to go backwards before you go forward.  Is there a way to ensure that you couldn't go below zero in exp points?   So when the game resets and you start over at zero and you fail the first quest you won't go into negative exp points.

Now if there was an option to turn some of the new settings off and on then you could just setup the first quest so you wouldn't get minus anything.

Also is there way to do the quests in order and once you complete one then you go onto the next quest?


I was going to hold off from testing until my hosting gets their act together but they are still blaming SMF for my issues. :P But it seems to work on my main site as it should so I will continue until they get it right or I change hosting.

Anyhoo, when you disable the shoutbox it changes the Battle Home page and moves the "Welcome Warrior" section to the left under the "Navigation" heading. It also extends the "Navigation" heading further to te left.



Chen Zhen


  The quest is already set up to not allow anything to go below 0, are you experiencing a negative value in a stat? If so tell me which one because it should not be doing that.


  What are you saying is not to your liking? Are you saying that the screen should remain the same minus the shoutbox? Should the navigation appear underneath battle or perhaps beside it?

Chen Zhen


  I was going to sync up a copy of it but have not got around to it yet. I also have some other things to add to it .. perhaps tomorrow I will update my repositories.

  I still do not understand why the quests were set up to reset someone's stats and empty the graveyard when a final quest was completed. Why would someone be penalized for completing a final quest?  I coded it so the reward is greater.


Well, I would think it would stay the same minus whatever you disable on the left or right sides. It is not a big issue by any means. I guess that I was not expecting it to do that. LOL

It sort of looks like a portal with the left, right and center blocks. I would expect that the center would expand to cover the disabled left or right blocks instead of moving beneath them.

Chen Zhen


  I did not know it appeared like that when its shoutbox is disabled. I agree with you regarding its appearance and I am about to change it right now.