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Arcade V1 Games Issues

Started by Skhilled, November 17, 2018, 01:13:00 AM

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In the latest just released version that I've just installed, I'm noticing that a few of the games have cosmetic issues that show on the first screen. I haven't noticed these before so I'm not sure when it first happened. Probably because We been focused on HTML5 games. For instance, the 2 black blocks at the top of the game screen here which appear to be text boxes if you hover over them:


The purple block just under the instructions here:


The width of the initial screens here:



The other game types don't seem to have those issues...that I'm aware of...

Chen Zhen

The game installer opts a default if the dimensions are not given within a php or xml file.
It does have a routine to read the swf file for that info so I will look into it.
The defaults should only kick in if the config is not available and it can not read that data from the swf file.

The 2 games you mentioned that have graphic on them are in those games themselves.
I tested them on my PC directly loaded in a browser (not through SMF Arcade.. just directly opening the file) where they show the same behavior. That has always been there but you did not notice.

Chen Zhen

Since the dimension issue only appears in 2 games I will assume it can't read the swf info.
Those were in gamepacks that did not include a specific xml file.

However, I will look into it right now to make sure it is behaving as I previously described.
On this site I have manually adjusted the widths of those games to what they should be.

Chen Zhen

I've fixed the smfv1 save type install issue for SMF Arcade v2.56.12-beta1.
Several game types have been tested to make sure it does not cause problems with them.
Everything appears in order now.

Let me know if it works for you.