Daily Lucky Numbers:

Battle 1.0_RC8.0 BETA-UD-X

Started by Chen Zhen, July 20, 2013, 01:05:17 AM

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Chen Zhen

  Oh ya I forgot to mention how quests work now. I changed the language for Final quest to Premium Quest... The idea is to set up a premium quest either harder or maybe easier as a bonus quest scenario... it is up to the admin of the forum. There is now a quest limit you can set and when the user reaches the limit that is a final quest. They will not be able to play the quest again once they reach the limit. These user records per quest apply to each individual and not everyone like before. It still needs work and I have a lot of ideas for it but try it out now anyhow.. imo it is a lot better than the prior set up.  Make sure to go through each quest and adjust the appropriate new settings.


Quote from: underdog on July 28, 2013, 11:36:22 PM
btw - Are you still having issues with installing this mod on a forum? I added quite a few images which increases the file size quite a bit. I am going to remove those images and have a plugin that adds monsters/images for those that want it. I was thinking the large file size could be causing an install issue for you because of memory. The SMF package installer sets that memory via PHP at 32M which can be edited to an increased number which may work for you (ie... 64M ... or 128M). It does not always cause a white screen php crash & sometimes will just fail installing. Adjusting the limit has fixed the issue for me in the past.

ref. http://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/What_the_white_screen_of_death_means_when_accessing_admin_or_package_installs

I believe that my issues are due to hosting. It installed fine at Docskillz but not my test forums. I am also having issues when create new test forums that have nothing to do with any mods and have sent in a ticket. Hopefully, they will get back to me today since they could not find out what the problem was over the weekend. So, for now I am testing it at my main site until they fix whatever the problems is.


Chen Zhen



  I did not bother changing the beta designation as that file just has a fix for the last error you were seeing.

Battle Quest:

Premium Quest Win / Final Standard Quest Win:
- gain exp-min to exp-max (random)
- gain gold-min to gold-max (random)
- gain 0 - stat max gain (2 stats random)
- lose 0 - hp (random)
- lose # energy

Premium Quest Loss / Final Standard Quest Loss:
- lose exp-min to exp-max (random)
- lose gold-min to gold-max (random)
- lose 0 - stat max loss (2 stats random)
- lose 0 - hp (random)
- lose # energy

Standard Quest Win (not final):
- gain 0 to exp-min (random)
- gain 0 to gold-min (random)
- gain 0 - stat max gain (2 stats random)
- lose 0 - hp (random)
- lose # energy

Standard Quest Loss (not final):
- lose 0 to exp-min (random)
- lose 0 to gold-min (random)
- lose 0 - stat max loss (2 stats random)
- lose 0 - hp (random)
- lose # energy


Uploaded the newest version and it got rid of the error that we were seeing however not sure this is how you wanted it displayed or not.

This is the main quest page...if you look over at my stats some are above what they should be.

Stamina:  258/250
Attack:  514/500
Defense:  1867/1850

I did pick her pocket quest and got this:

As you notice it says:
Stamina gained: 258
Attack gained:  514
Experience gained:  3
Money gained: 224
Heath deducted:  38
Energy deducted:  75

Then I failed the quest.

Stat Points deducted:  1691  (freaked out since I had 1692)
Attack deducted: 514

Then I completed the quest a 2nd time.

As you see I didn't lose 1691 Stat points rather it dropped to 1691
Also the attack never changed.

Please note...I wasn't clicking on Try Another Quest...I went over to click on quests and nothing showed up in the History Shoutbox.

Then this is the 3rd completed quest:

The lingo can be ironed out...my concern is going over the max amount  (259/250)


I hope I didn't blow up anyone's screen on that last post...Sorry

Chen Zhen


  Ok so I have to fix this for quests:

- stop at max value for winning quest for 2 random statistics (money, health, energy are ok)
- fix amount displayed for random statistic values

I will fix this now and release beta10.
btw I figured out the explore issue regarding fighting monsters and found out it is not my error... the way in which one battles monsters it takes from the monsters hp right from the monsters db table and resets to its max when the monster is slain. I am pondering my exact game plan to change this and here is my idea so far:

  A new db table with data containing each member fighting each monster (composite primary keys).
  This table's data will be altered as a user fights the monster.
Add input/option to allow a monster to evolve by percentage increase value (0 will disable evolving)
This will allow a monster/enemy of the admins choice to progressively increase its statistics as it fights users/warriors.
  When the monster or user is dead it will transfer the data and reset monster/user scenario data.
  Time is also recorded.
  If X minutes (ie. 15) have passed since user/monster fight scenario had transpired data is transferred then monster is reset to full health.

  I can also not allow members to fight the same monster at the exact same time but depending on how busy a forum is with players compared to the number of monsters available may prove to cause an issue. This means that for a monster that evolves, it could do that while someone is in the middle of battle if another member killed or was killed by that same monster id at that time and its stats increased. Imo it's not a big deal as the chances of that happening are low but it could happen. I suppose I could not allow the monsters stats to increase if another member is currently battling it.. only allow it to evolve when 1 member is fighting it at a given time.


QuoteI can also not allow members to fight the same monster at the exact same time but depending on how busy a forum is with players compared to the number of monsters available may prove to cause an issue. This means that for a monster that evolves, it could do that while someone is in the middle of battle if another member killed or was killed by that same monster id at that time and its stats increased. Imo it's not a big deal as the chances of that happening are low but it could happen. I suppose I could not allow the monsters stats to increase if another member is currently battling it.. only allow it to evolve when 1 member is fighting it at a given time.

It's not a big deal...However would this go hand in hand with being able to fight a monster on certain levels?  Granite the first ten levels may pose a challenge but after a couple days nobody is on the same level.  Also what about the idea that you can only see monsters that have your level in the monster's range that would cut back on the overlapping of fighting the same monster at the same time.

Chen Zhen



+ added delete extra quest table data when deleting quests
+ added extra monsters_fight table to db (usage is pending)
! fixed to only allow max value for random statistic increases for winning quests
! fixed display of increase/decrease values of random statistics for quest wins/losses
! fixed some language for quests
! changed various mysql query logic in admin source file to SMF standard (update changed to smcFunc['db_insert'], used user update function, etc.)

Other stuff is still pending... bed time.


Thanks Underdog...Get some sleep

Chen Zhen

[SMF MOD] Battle_RC1.0_RC8.0_BETA-UD-11


+ added battle_monsters_fight table
+ added enemy ability to evolve/increase stats (if opted)
+ added admin option for custom enemy designation
+ added admin setting to allow/disallow users to fight enemies out of range
+ enemy/user composite db column remains in effect 24 hours or if enemy dies (then it is reset)
! changed fighting enemy hp level only affects current explore battle

  New settings for config and enemy are in battle admin. The enemy setting for evolution is disabled if set to 0. If enabled, it will allow a setting of 1 to 1000 which is the amount of times the enemy needs to get killed via users before a random stat is upgraded by 1 for that enemy.


  There are now settings in config to set the enemy name/designation and also whether you want to enable/disable meeting monsters out of range on the map.


It gave me an error when trying to upload in the admin section.

I uninstalled UD-10 and deleted it...

Got an error when I uploaded UD-11...

Went back and tried UD-10 and it uploaded fine....

Chen Zhen


  I just tested this several times including on a fresh local forum and it worked fine for me. Either the last file is corrupt or perhaps your server memory limit is being tripped. Here ate 2 links, 1 that contains the mod and the other that contains the newer alien images separately.

Download Battle:

Download alien images (image files go in /Themes/default/images/battle/monsters):

  I did not bother changing the name to beta12 because there is not many changes other than some of the help text is now in place.
Also some of the input boxes configuration has been fixed.


Now that worked...

How would I find my server memory limit?

Haven't done the alien image one yet.

Chen Zhen


  Here is the SMF wiki concerning the edit to smf files:

Imo try 64M as it is probably good enough.. 2 edits if I remember correctly.

For some reason there is an issue with editing items via admin.. kind of tired atm so I will fix it tomorrow.