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Attachment Download problem

Started by androbada525, December 12, 2013, 12:09:47 PM

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My forum users have been facing the problem in downloading the attachments from the forum recently
There have been several complaints regarding this issue
Whenever I try to download a file, it is corrupt
My forum: http://theteamk.x10.mx
SMF version: 2.0.6
My SMF Website
The Team K

Chen Zhen


  Are you using x10 free web hosting?  That type of hosting (free) has low limits for available space and it may be that you have simply maxed out what they will allow you to use.  The result may simply be 0kb empty files when attempting to upload attachments.

  This forum also uses free web hosting whereas uploading attachments can be problematic. This is why a 3rd party file manager is used on this forum for larger attachments (tiny upload).  If you wish to continue using free web hosting, this may be a solution for you.


Quote from: underdog on December 12, 2013, 10:10:21 PM

  Are you using x10 free web hosting?  That type of hosting (free) has low limits for available space and it may be that you have simply maxed out what they will allow you to use.  The result may simply be 0kb empty files when attempting to upload attachments.

  This forum also uses free web hosting whereas uploading attachments can be problematic. This is why a 3rd party file manager is used on this forum for larger attachments (tiny upload).  If you wish to continue using free web hosting, this may be a solution for you.
yes, I am using x10 free hosting
can you guide me further on the solution?
My SMF Website
The Team K

Chen Zhen


  Use Tiny Upload to host your files and use their links in your posts.


i there any mod by which my users can do that?
My SMF Website
The Team K