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Battle 1.0_RC8.0 BETA-UD-X

Started by Chen Zhen, July 20, 2013, 01:05:17 AM

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Chen Zhen


  Ya you're right and thank you for reporting the issue.

  I am adding to the previous list of changes as I come across things while playing. ryan_dwight's site is good for testing as Battle gets a lot of activity there. The game is coming along well and is kind of addictive   ;D


I've been playing over there on ryan_dwight's site.  I think they tied up a few loose strings.  showed that you can buy things with a decimal such as .5 heath.  They fixed the settings on the revive part.  One can go to the graveyard and revive a member for x amount of gold.  Then once one revive them their HP isn't nearly what it was when the game starts and you can attack this same player over and over by simply reviving them over and over.

I'm messing around with the settings on members attacking members...

Then I'm working on some quests and campaigns...

I don't want to make the campaigns to long because they get wiped out each time there is an update...Can one save the campaign settings when there is an update so it won't wipe out a current campaign?


You can do manual updates, which basically consist of finding old code and replacing it with new code.

Go here: http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1944
On right side of screen, parse manual instructions for the latest version.


Minor suggestion - lose or gain gold each time when you are PvPing? Of course, if you have no gold, it's no problem, but this would make people also think twice about mindlessly just clicking attack over and over if they lose their hard-earned gold. :P

Chen Zhen


  Although I do not agree with having a member lose gold during a battle, I do think a battle should cost someone more of a risk that deters them from attacking as often as they do. I will add more risk to battling members and monsters whereas the attacker loses atk, def and also overall losses/gains will depend on the strength of who/what they are battling against.  This will result in the attacking member having to use their gold in the shop to build their stats back up to continue battling. 



Can we change up the monsters range from 1-XXXXXX  to 0-XXXXXXX

I think this will help with the setting "can you fight monsters out of range".

Chen Zhen

Battle v1.14 Beta7



+ option to allow auto leveling up
+ added daily limit for attacking each member and weekly limit for kills
+ subtraction of atk and def added to battle/explore
+ added more ways to gain stat points (during battle/explore)
! fixed evolution setting in monster edit template/source
! added who's in battle battle.png icon (sword)
! fixed single undefined error
! fixed to not allow decimals when buying from the shop


  I believe it is set to allow a zero level setting for fighting monsters. Is it not functioning properly? Please test this beta7 version and let me know if it still does not function as you suggest.

  This version should make it a bit more costly for members to battle monsters and each other. It costs them more with atk and def which is more realistic & was missing from previous versions. It also adds stat points when one defeats a member or monster so people can upgrade their stats more often.


The decimals will crush a few hearts on my site...  :)

The zero level for a monster works....

I like the auto level up too...

Chen Zhen

Battle v1.14 Beta8



! fixed mysql issue in Subs-Battle.php
! added fatal_error for when opponent user info does not exist (battle member)

  I did not have time to add anything else but I fixed a couple of issues that I noticed while using this beta version on ryan_dwight's forum.


thanks UD for the updates

can you put full refill button on the shop, i think it will be hard to buy when you have 500 defense and you need to click 10 times before it will be full same with the others.


if your defense is 600 and you get 50 per x amount then just put in 12 units and you'll only have to click once.


You can create different items in the shop too.  You could create an item that gives you 500 def for x amount.

What I've done in the past is: (for example)

create 1 def worth 5 bucks

Buy 10 for 50

buy 25 for 100

150 for 500

Chen Zhen

  Why not leave it up to the admin to make their own items that replenish whatever values they want? Why would I make something start that way when one can do it themselves?  This game requires an admin to fine tune things the way they want therefore I expect them to learn how to do it on their own.

  What I am currently concerned about is the behavior I see when attacking another member. It seems to take more hp off from the attacking player than it should when both are close to equal stats. I did not change that part of the code as far as I remember but I must have goofed up somewhere. Plus I am not sure if it takes atk and def from the defending play as it should to be fair.


Quote from: Fog on September 15, 2013, 08:22:00 PM
if your defense is 600 and you get 50 per x amount then just put in 12 units and you'll only have to click once.
i didnt see that. Thanks

One more thing is on the upgrade if you rapidly click on that you can upgrade more than your available stat.


Great reviews from my users....

ryan_dwight....I'll get with my users to see if they can out click the upgrade.