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Battle v1.15 Beta Releases

Started by Chen Zhen, January 31, 2014, 10:12:44 PM

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Here is another nice idea. What if you can upload custom images for eg the money? It would be nice if I could easily change the bills to coins, when my cash system are gold.

Btw: Epic fixing man. I installed it and it's working perfectly.


Quote from: NekoJonez on February 12, 2014, 12:00:56 PM
Here is another nice idea. What if you can upload custom images for eg the money? It would be nice if I could easily change the bills to coins, when my cash system are gold.

Btw: Epic fixing man. I installed it and it's working perfectly.

You can already do that by changing the money.png file in a manual way offcourse


Hello Underdog

I don't know if this has been mentioned before but if you look at the profile info in the forum you get "Battle Stats:" duplicated 4 times

I attached a picture.


Chen Zhen


  Did you ignore any parsing errors during un-installation at some time when updating the mod? This will occur if it did not remove smf file parsing edits during the uninstall process because when re-installing the mod it places duplicate edits.

  Check the SMF files that the installer edits to see if there is duplicate code within one of them. Simply remove all the duplicate code leaving just the single edits. This sounds like the edit it makes to /Sources/Profile-View.php.


Quote from: underdog on February 12, 2014, 09:36:37 PM

  Did you ignore any parsing errors during un-installation at some time when updating the mod? This will occur if it did not remove smf file parsing edits during the uninstall process because when re-installing the mod it places duplicate edits.

  Check the SMF files that the installer edits to see if there is duplicate code within one of them. Simply remove all the duplicate code leaving just the single edits. This sounds like the edit it makes to /Sources/Profile-View.php.

I can't remember if I did got any error while installing, but I did find four duplicate in the Profile_View.php file.

I'll pay more attention next time I un- or install the new version to see if I get parsing errors.

Thank you



Burt..If you need any help getting rid of those duplicated stats...let me know I was up against that in the past.


Burt, SMF along with some hosting issues sometimes cause improper installs/uninstalls. If you've installed/uninstalled a particular mod multiple times it may or may not add/remove all of the code as it should but you may not see any errors. I've seen this many times over the years. Not sure exactly how or why it happens but it does happen on some servers and not others. But I'm pretty sure it has to do with folder/file permissions not being set properly before you install or uninstall a mod. At least in my experiences, it does not happen as much if you make sure they are correct before you start each time. Yeah, it's a pain, but it happens.

So when doing things like this it is best to manually check to make sure duplicates are not added even if you do not see "Test Failed" during installs or uninstalls. If it happens once, it may happen again.

I hope that helps. :)


Skhilled...I've seen this too.  If I modified the display.php file and did an update and I would see the stats show up twice.  I saw I was getting an error and saw the "Test Failed"

All I did was upload the default display.php file and it solved the issue but I also know how to manually remove it.


Yeah, it varies from server to server. The last hosting I was on did the same a lot with mods. But the current one I'm on seems to work well even if the permissions are improperly set.

I was previously a co-hosting owner some years ago and am staff on a different hosting now. I don't know everything but am very sure it has to do with how the server is configured. The best you can do is try to make sure folder and file permissions are set properly first then install or uninstall...or change hosting. LOL


Well here are some things for you Underdog, keep in mind that these are simply idea's and reports. Do with these what you wish or think is best for the mod.

- There are some minor language issues in the main settings. Like you forgot ":" here and there. Also, one capping of the start of a sentence is forgotten. Also, one option has "max" and the next "maximum", isn't really consistent.

- If it's already not possible: showing images during the custom explore? Eg: when somebody finds a treasure chest.

- When in the battle mod, on the battle page, the who's online shows "Unknown Action".

- (Already suggested, but I don't see it in the to do list. Also, to make this suggestion list more complete) The ability to re-order the shop items.

- Image uploader to allow staff, who don't have access to FTP, to upload custom images for monsters and shop items.

- Ability to choose which menu item battle will appear next to?

- Ability to revive users with eg 50% of their health instead of a set amount.

- Possible inventory to store items bought in the shop and able to use in battle.

- Possible ability to buy items in the multiple items in the store more easily. Like: "Add to cart" - thingy.

- News section, where staff can post the latest updates or changes they did.

- Put the buttons in battle on a fixed position. To avoid people who click without really reading what stats they lost to not click on "run" by accident.

- Possibility to change the text that appears on the buttons ("ok" or "run away")


Sorry guys my bad....

Hi everyone  ;D.... and thanks for offering help, but it wasn't really hard to delete 30 line of text....

Now to NekoJones, that's not a bad list you got there... Two weeks of coding just there.... ;)

I would like to expand a bit on your list: In the shop, while I think the "Add to Cart" would be a great solution, maybe just divided the items by categories, that would make it already a lot easier to find things, and definitely your last suggestion. The Buttons need to stop moving and maybe, you should need to press the Attack button just once till the attack is over either way, with a win or with a loss....That would also make more sense in a D&D situation where in reality once you have decide to fight there is no turning back till one or the other is dead...

Also I don't know about you guys, but I don't really thing the Map looks that good. It looks like painted by a 3 years old... ;D Wouldn't be better to have a single large picture to load. Player would still need to click anywhere in the picture, and that would also give us the chance to use a picture related to the theme of the game...

Underdog I have a single request...

Would it be possible to have the "Quest Limit:" to take the digit 0 as unlimited? I know that you can always put a huge number in there, but an unlimited option would be another less thing to worry about when you are setting up large games..

I'm just talking loud here, what ever direction this mod may goes, I will be happy to follow....


Chen Zhen

Battle v1.15 Beta4


+ added user settings custom hook for Battle
+ added member context custom hook for Battle
! changed file edit to $user_info hook for Battle (existing hook)
! whichever member column is opted will be included in the above changes
! fixed user avatar in Battle template
! edited admin display to only include beta testers that contributed since Battle v1.1+
! fixed install.xml file

  I added 2 more custom hooks with this beta version. I did this because it required a bit more code than just adding to those arrays (some conditional logic) and it makes for cleaner edits.  I will have to split up the template files another time but it's not so important right now because that will just be to fix the issue people are having with editing large files in FTP.  The error I found in the install.xml file may have been the reason why this mod did not always remove all of its manual edits. 

  This beta will hopefully resolve any issue with using another member column for monetary units. If this is changed, ensure that the name you use is the exact column name from the members table. Some mods do not add the same reference to the $user_info array but what I just wrote should make it work as long as you ensure it is that same column name from that db table.  I will add an admin setting check for this in the next beta where it will display an error message and reset the monetary units to gold if one enters something that is not in the members table.

Chen Zhen

Battle has now been posted in one of my GitHub repositories:


Your github avatar is the same one I have on Facebook for the profile I play mafia wars with..LOL