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Loading HTML5 Games Help

Started by BugginIn, January 01, 2023, 02:32:48 PM

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Feeling pretty dumb here.. Tried loading HTML5 games in a few different ways with certain files in data folder, out of data folder, and I just can't get them to install.

It uploads > shows up in manage installations > install it and just disappears from everything. Any chance someone can show me the proper format of uploading the zip files?

Attached is the original bought: Duck Shooter

Thank you in advance from an idiot,



Although I'm no expert it looks like the files you're showing in your attachment don't look like any files I've ever seen in a game for SMF Arcade, unless it's lower down in the list I don't see a .php file that holds the config array data for the game, see the image attachment of a typical arcade game.

Also, if not set that way already, then I suggest you set the 'Game Uploading' in admin to the same as you see the image below, this shows if your installing a duplicate game or not.
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Thank you Dave for the response. Starting to think these games aren't compatible: https://html5game.net/product-category/free-themes/
They don't seem to have any php files in them. They do play online once loaded into a folder but seems these might be a bit different in some way.

Here's an example of one of those loaded directly via FTP: https://tristatesurvival.com/duckhunter/Duck%20Hunter/index.html

Appreciate the help, was hoping this arcade mod would work.

Thank you,


Chen Zhen

At least 3 of those games appear to be here in the arcade for download.