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Battle 1.0_RC8.0 BETA-UD-X

Started by Chen Zhen, July 20, 2013, 01:05:17 AM

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OK....so I went and installed the oldest version I have and did some exploring and still got the same results...it was random and if you use gold as a reward it doesn't deduct the initial cost of doing the exploring.

This is the version I'm using now....

Battle RC7 Rev224 © 2011 Andrew94
Special thanks to  Sleepy Arcade and Nend

So in my mind it has never worked right from the get go.

Chen Zhen

Battle v1.12-Beta4



- fixed quest source code
- fixed permissions for campaigns to not work with post based groups (one must/should create new membergroup(s) for campaigns)
- fixed outcome of custom actions (display and database)
- fixed outcome of battling monsters/enemies deducts energy
- fixed outcome of battling monsters for stat gains/losses
- fixed battle members stat gains/losses and their display


  I am not going to remove quests at this point and one can disable them if preferred. I would rather get what is currently in place working properly and then expand campaigns to include battling monsters as well as the current quests.

  I fixed most of the issues you mentioned plus others that I was able to detect. Remember that for campaigns it can not be post based membergroups used. The mod's new install will now omit any existing post based membergroup permissions for campaigns and will not allow campaign permission settings for those type of membergroups. If a user is added to a membergroup after a campaign has already progressed past its first level, it would be best to prune that campaign.

  The old custom action setting that costs the user 100 gold and has 2 outcomes .. one for 50 gold gain and 100 gold gain.. manually change it from 100 gold gain to ie. 200 gold gain. I changed this for the current install but it will not rewrite the old data. This was an original setup that was in error as it does not make sense to gamble 100 gold and break even at best. There should be a chance for a gain and a loss!! 


I focused too much on Quests and Campaigns, that I lost track of the default explore settings.

I kept on using old explore settings until I deleted the tables on the DB...

When I started seeing the 0 gold gained it threw up a flag in my mind.

What is the ideal way for me to create a clean install?

I've seen where the DB tables don't go away and when you re-install a mod it uses those same tables.

Chen Zhen

  The tables will stay unless I have the uninstaller drop them. With the upcoming SMF 2.1 it will be easier for developers such as myself to give the admin an option to drop those tables during uninstallation.

  Hopefully I fixed everything with which you had issues. Let me know what I overlooked with that version.


Chen Zhen


Chen Zhen

[SMF] Battle v1.12-Beta5



+ added experience gain restriction option (if enabled exp only gained if member/opponent level is equal or above)
+ added ability (config) to restrict battling other members (level restriction)
+ changed history for losing member battle to reflect opponent experience gain
! fixed max experience gains for battle monster or member to database config settings

  You can now set it so members can only battle other members when their level is equal or above. This stops more experienced members from bullying those with a lower level.


When you go to their profile and attack them you get an error saying no refreshing.

How about a way to limit the number of attacks on a member?  Set it up admin to say you can only attack a member(s) a combined total of X amount times.

Chen Zhen


  How about a daily limit? .. or enable the admin to set the amount and duration? Thanks for reporting the issue regarding profile and postings of members with the attack link.. I neglected to add the appropriate session to those links. It is now fixed for the next beta..


Daily limit would work....Nice idea...I'm going to take a step further...you can only attack members that have a permission to do a campaign.  Also in Stats can you seed out those that are only playing the battle game?

I'm having a hard time testing out the new settings and seeing how the exp points works.  I think with everyone being at zero level maybe what I'm up against.

This is what would be cool and this goes against how I answered some questions you asked me earlier.

Can we change up the value of the lowest level in the monsters range from one to zero?

This will help jump start the game for those that are new to the game.


Can one create a way for members to register within the site/forum/message board???

Instead of a permission to play the game or campaigns you have to register for the game???

Almost like a subscription?

Chen Zhen

Battle v1.13-Beta6



+ added extra commands in Battle Admin -> Members to edit stats for all members if opted
! added memory limit allocation (ini_set) to installer for large members table manipulation
! fixed installer for editing members table (only edits members without existing stats)
! filtered all admin inputs (abs, text, actions, etc.)
! fixed battle admin member source code to edit graveyard table accordingly
! fixed add column syntax within installer package
! fixed update member column in install package

This is the same as the current v1.13 version available at SMF. The fixes/changes are noted above where the primary concern was how the installer edits the members table including memory allocation to do so. There are now two checkbox options while editing members that allow some more control with editing the members table as a whole. With the next version I need to adjust the installer to leave the current defaults in place for certain columns because as it is if one reinstalls the mod they will have to set those manually again (just one time using the left check box in battle -> admin -> members).


Not sure this is how you wanted it setup on BATTLE (fighting members)

I just install the newest version and want to see how BATTLE worded out with everyone being the same.

I had to go to the shop once so I didn't get to kill the member with the first attack but I did weaken them enough to kill them after I went to the shop and attacked the same member a second time.

Here are the results from the two actions:

first screen shot shows where I killed the member and the EXP I gained.  Note it's reflected on the right hand side with stats but not with battle history yet.  I understand why it doesn't show up in battle history until you do your next click.

In my second screen shot I show the second action when I clicked on the BATTLE button.  Note it now shows 21 EXP and not nine like in the first screen shot.

Where does this extra 12 EXP come from?


in battle admin

Cash System To Use With Battle :

the help txt is incorrect
QuoteThis input is for the name of the monetary units.
(ie. money, gold, pounds, pesos, etc.)

that setting is to change the cash system to use 
like explaind here

money=smf shop
cash=sa shop
gold=battle cash
points=points mod

they were the supported systems

Customizer @ SimpleMachines


can some one pls explain the campains to me?

Customizer @ SimpleMachines