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Five Posts to Download

Started by masodo, March 29, 2019, 01:12:39 PM

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Hello webdev,
I was hoping to download a couple of the new HTML5 games from the arcade to learn more about how these are put together. I run an IBPro compatible arcade with over 200 html5 games and also have an arcade equipped SMF site. I'd like to try my hand at converting some games but find I need to have 5 posts in the boards before I can download - I believe this is post number 3 in my quest ;)

Too bad the required number of posts to download isn't 3 :(


I too have a SMF site and I just got around to updating the Arcade. I'll try to be discrete in posting 4 more posts so as not to be obnoxious or come across as a spammer.

On my outdated arcade, none of the 3 games will post a score. Due to health issues a few years ago, I'm just now catching up.

I really wanted to download a HTML game to see if it would install and actually work.

I'll try to find another discrete place to post. I can't really post an error I'm getting as I have no games to install to see if the updated arcade works on my setup.

Thank you and sorry...


Quote from: masodo on March 29, 2019, 01:12:39 PMHello webdev,
I was hoping to download a couple of the new HTML5 games from the arcade to learn more about how these are put together. I run an IBPro compatible arcade with over 200 html5 games and also have an arcade equipped SMF site. I'd like to try my hand at converting some games but find I need to have 5 posts in the boards before I can download - I believe this is post number 3 in my quest ;)

Too bad the required number of posts to download isn't 3 :(

You have your own arcade forum so do I, ronaldsarcade.com, if you belong to other arcade forums why not download html5 games from there. 3dogsaracde has loads of html5 games.
If you want the experience converting, Legionaire or Origon can help you with this..

IPB html5es will also work with the SMF Arcade, I gave Chen some to try out..


Quote from: PZ on June 22, 2019, 08:41:14 PMI too have a SMF site and I just got around to updating the Arcade. I'll try to be discrete in posting 4 more posts so as not to be obnoxious or come across as a spammer.

On my outdated arcade, none of the 3 games will post a score. Due to health issues a few years ago, I'm just now catching up.

I really wanted to download a HTML game to see if it would install and actually work.

I'll try to find another discrete place to post. I can't really post an error I'm getting as I have no games to install to see if the updated arcade works on my setup.

Thank you and sorry...

If they will not post scores then they have errors, download new games and install over top of the games..

Here is a place for downloads; http://hopetoseeyousoon.com/Downloads.html  free too..oh no membership required..

Some of the arcade forums will allow downloads, but most only give maybe 5 limits for games, I wonder myself how they got there games, they don't believe in sharing. I have about 30,000 plus games I got them the hard way..

Here is another place for free downloads: https://feckie.com/Feckies.Forums/ but you have to register, no posts involved just look around for the downloads and the key, because it's password protected, and there are loads of game packs..


Just ask me, I'll let you download all the games you want


do you have a ready to use package?


Hi I'm new here as you can tell :o
I'm just installing the new SMF 2.0.17 acrade, to spice up my forums.
is there a place that explains here at Webdev, that will explains how you would install game packs?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance ;D

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Hi, Phantom_Hugger and welcome to Webdevelop! :)

You can download the arcade here:


After you install the arcade, go to Admin -> Arcade Admin. In the Arcade Admin dropdown, click Manage Uploads. There, you can drag and drop the games or click "Browse" to search and add games stored on your device of choice.

After the game(s) have uploaded, go the Manage Installations to install the uploaded games so you can play them.