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ehportal help

Started by bigguy, November 08, 2015, 09:30:13 PM

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Eh, not a problem at all. ;) Just glad to help out. :)

Chen Zhen

Within the portal settings you can change the standalone url to not include index.php if you decide you do not want that to appear.
You can just enter the url that the standalone file is located in and it should use the index.php file by default but will not show it in the url.
That option is up to you.


Changed it...I like it. :) K, gotta work in the mornin. Seeya tomorrow. Thanks again.


Been tryin to change the damn footer alnight to get it to line up with SMF's....could you tell me where I might find it, lol.

* bigguy pulls a bit more hair out.

Chen Zhen

Newer version released in the downloads:

I included you in the beta tester list for the mod since that is what you have been doing.
If you want your name removed from it just let me know.


Well, thank you very much. That was very cool of you man. You can leave it there if ya like. :) I'll install this new version either tonight or tomorrow....probably tonight, lol. There's somethin about buildin a new site, ya gotta love it. Thanks again guys for sure.


Lmao....just uninstalled and reinstalled that quick. Not one error, lol. copyright looks great. I'll check things out now. :) That's awesome.

You have an error in your redirect text. It shows only html or php

Chen Zhen

It's something that was changed in the install routine of SMF itself that does not allow html tags.
The devs also did this in one of the more recent releases of the SMF 2.0.X branch.
I will change it to bbcode to see if it works else I will ask the SMF devs if this is done purposely.
I also noticed the install template has a width issue when uninstalling mods which imo could be a SMF 2.1 bug.


I'll keep my eye out for, well, anything I notice and report back. I think html for use in spots like that was taken out of a lot of places. This could be any error though, not sure. You used to be able to use it in board titles and catagories and such. I don't think in 2.1 you can do any of that which could have effected redirect text as well I guess.

Chen Zhen

It should at least allow bbcode but it does not.
I am going to look over some past posts & documentation about this subject prior to asking about it.

Chen Zhen

Perhaps they have security in mind for not allowing HTML tags wthin the package parser.
BBCode is more controlled although it is a little restrictive at least it will add a bit more flexability for the display text.
I have submitted a pull request concerning this matter:
ref. https://github.com/SimpleMachines/SMF2.1/pull/3127
We will see if they accept it or not.


I think it's a good idea and I don't see why they wouldn't allow bbc.

One more thing I noticed. The news fader on the portal does not do quotes well "" . This is from my portal, it is supposed to say "Site News"

Check out the "Site News" board for more info on whats going on with the site.

Chen Zhen

Thanks for the report.
I fixed the news fader text with a silent update in the download section.


Cool, glad that's fixed. I will update soon...maybe tomorrow. Vodka is going down nice tonight, lol. ;)

Chen Zhen

Did this work for you?
It works when I test it but I noticed you changed the quotes to: ...