Daily Lucky Numbers:

The score was not saved because the session is missing

Started by mecsimple59, August 11, 2018, 05:27:22 AM

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Sorry for my English but my mother language is the french, hope you understand my problem,

I've just installed the latest version of the arcade on my forum and when I submit my score i've the follow problem :

The score was not saved because the session is missing

I read the topic about the chmod of the folder and the files but i can't put 4 digits, if you want i can give you the info about my database.

Hope you understand my problem and you can give me the solution

Have a nice day

Chen Zhen

chmod and chown are file/folder permission and ownership.
They are not exactly related to any database settings.
Although for ibp3.2 games it does need proper recursive permission/ownership to the ./arcade path.

What version of the Arcade and which SMF version are you using?
Do you have the cheating check mode set at default?

Also check your Cookies & Sessions settings to make sure they are adjusted correctly.
"Seconds before an unused session timeout" should be at least 2880 or more depending on how many long play games you have.
Double check more than 1 game & game save type (also provide feedback to that effect).


version of arcade : 2.56.09
SMF version : 2.0.15
cheating check mode : default (recommanded)

Version Apache 2.4.34
Version PHP 5.6.37
Version MySQL 5.6.39

Hope all that can help you to help me

Thanks very much

Chen Zhen

Everything appears to be up to date.
At the moment the only thing I can think of is some sort of cookie/session setting is awry.
Assuming your website is using TLS & no other sub-domains, try adjusting cookie/session settings like this:

[attach name=cookie-settings2.png type=image/png]263[/attach]

The cookie name can be different though.

Do you host your forum on a sub-domain?
What I mean is, do you have a parent domain but then run your SMF forum on a sub-domain of that parent?


I try to do the same as you show me but nothing change.the only difference is the cookie name.

I don't use a sub-domain and only HTTP, then I don't know if i can check "force cookies to be secure" because it's written "only for https use"

If you want I can give you all the access to the forum and to the cpanel.

Have a nice day

Chen Zhen

Why have you not set up TLS for your website?
You do realize that when anyone attempts to register or change a password, modern browsers will pop up a big message saying your site is not secure. Imo this will likely scare people away even if you do not have any content requiring much security.

Let's encrypt has free TLS support registration and your Cpanel likely has something on it to set it up with them.

To run a forum you need to learn how to debug problems on your own.
As a last resort I can possibly take a look but it will be better for you to try to figure things out on your own.

Were there any parsing errors when you installed the arcade?
Were there parsing errors you tried to fix with the arcade or perhaps another modification that edited like files?
Did you make your own edits to files to customize something?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then I will advise you to take a look at the edits you did.
You may also try what the person had to do in the thread you mentioned where they realized it took the SMF large upgrade package to fix their faulty file edits.

Another thing that can cause a problem is .htaccess commands/settings.
You can narrow that down by copying your .htaccess file to your computer via FTP and then delete it from your forum directory.
If it starts saving scores then you know that is the culprit that needs to be adjusted (and put back when fixed).