SMF Arcade Changelog

Changes go downward.  Please scroll to the bottom for a legend.
Changelog started February 25, 2007.

<-- Download SMF Arcade -->

SMF Arcade

JUNE 2024

+     Added: CDN for EmulatorJS data files
!*    Changed: EmulatorJS updated to version 4.0.12
!*    Changed: Updated ROM template to use JQuery v3.7.1
!*    Fixed: css for lengthy games list allows scrolling
!*    Fixed: redefine error for constant in "data/loader2.js" file

SMF Arcade

JUNE 2024

+*&    Added: Additional category icon settings for main templates
+*&    Added: EmulatorJS ROM game support
+*&    Added: Sub-Routine to download the EmulatorJS library is included within the installer
+*&    Added: Admin Option to disable comments
!*&    Added: Ruffle CDN can be opted from admin settings
!*&    Changed: Version reference updated in all files to reflect official release (v2.7)
!      Changed: Current saved score is oblique + bold
!      Fixed: Shockwave Flash detection was causing a JavaScript error
!      Fixed: Interlace handling warning for category icons
!      Fixed: Category names cannot be empty
!      Fixed: Missing DB field submit_system_flag for game install sub-routine
!      Fixed: duplicate session score check
!      Fixed: HTML for high score PM
-      SMF 2.0.X support dropped for all future development

SMF Arcade

July 2023
+    Added: Detection of Shockwave Flash plugin automatically disables Ruffle
!    Changed: Sub-Routine to download Ruffle the library is now included within the installer

SMF Arcade

JULY 2023
+*& Added: Option to select default games list sorting
+*& Added: Option to disable Arcade JavaScript/CSS file caching
+*& Added: Override option to disable game downloads per category
+*& Added: Override option to enable JS file insertion per category
!   Fixed: Possible PHP syntax error while installing multiple games

SMF Arcade

JUNE 2023
!     Fixed: ZipArchive() Pecl class used as default zip handler for game uploads
!*    Fixed: more scenarios of game upload failures logged if enabled

SMF Arcade

APRIL 2023
!*   Changed: Ruffle install/update is now downloaded after mod installation
!*   Changed: max length of category names set to 120 characters
!*   Changed: Enterprise-C skin updated for aesthetics
!*   Changed: Vintage list updated for aesthetics
!    Fixed: modified DB DELETE query due to possible incorrect DOUBLE value error
!    Fixed: all varchar columns set to byte limit depending on database type
!    Fixed: possible array offset error for flash game installation (background color detection)
!    Fixed: partial Arcade user profile summary displayed in PM settings
!    Fixed: improper syntax for chmod()
!    Fixed: updated to use SMF read_tgz_file() function

Note: Ruffle Emulator is no longer included with the mod package

SMF Arcade

+*&  Changed: Arcade will still show for admin when disabled with a top message
!    Fixed: Arcade admin shows when modification is disabled
!    Fixed: JavaScript error in popup template

Note: Ruffle Emulator version: Nightly Build 2022-08-07

SMF Arcade

! Fixed: Arcade user profile concerning summary display only & horizontal rule

Note: Ruffle Emulator version: Nightly Build 2022-08-04

SMF Arcade

+* Changed: more aesthetic icons used for Arcade profile info
!  Fixed: possible undefined errors from recent Arcade profile additions
!  Fixed: profile_fields hook removal for SMF 2.1 branch

Note: Ruffle Emulator version: Nightly Build 2022-08-01

SMF Arcade

JULY 2022
!    Fixed: additional code changes for PHP 8.0+ concerning abs() no longer supporting numeric conversion
!    Fixed: forced float value for scoring on various game save types

Note: Ruffle Emulator version: Nightly Build 2022-07-25

SMF Arcade 2.6.9

JULY 2022
+*&  Added: member Arcade info shown to admins & moderators in SMF user profiles
!    Fixed: updated admin function to support PHP 8.0+ changes concerning abs() no longer supporting numeric conversion

Note: Ruffle Emulator version: Nightly Build 2022-07-25

SMF Arcade 2.6.8

JULY 2022
!    Fixed: JavaScript/HTML select option changed from submit to href assignment (causing header text output)

Note: Ruffle Emulator version: Nightly Build 2022-07-03

SMF Arcade 2.6.7

!    Fixed: detection of selected translation API
!    Fixed: filtering of returned data from Google Translate
!&  Fixed: filtering of returned data from DeepL Translate

Note: Ruffle Emulator version: Nightly Build 2022-02-12

SMF Arcade 2.6.6

-    Removed: the Arena has been disabled pending a revamp for the upcoming Arcade release
+*&  Changed: Arcade game editing and game installation sub-routines reworked
+    Changed: directory path for uploaded game archives & folders is now ../games_upload
+    Changed: admin & user game lists now record page# for navigation
+*&  Added: DeepL Translation API option
+*&  Added: maintenance tasks concerning games_upload directory path
+*&  Added: internal game name conflict detection
+*&  Added: option for game error reporting PM notifications
+*&  Added: option to enable viewing game category in all list types
+*&  Added: ability to update Ruffle via Arcade Admin
+*&  Added: Arcade maintenance option to fix & rename .htm game files to .html
+*  Added: bottom border for titles in mobile high score template
+    Added: arcade profile settings & arcade admin drop-down to nav bar if permitted
+    Added: "Play in Popup" text to game posting
+    Added: option to toggle all highscores / own highscores using "Member" link
+    Added: drop-down main arcade list setting is kept for the browser session
+    Added: independent/unique email and PM functions
!    Fixed: thumbnail images for new game notifications
!    Fixed: ascend/descend of alphabetical game list on desktop/laptop template
!    Fixed: use of unique character decoding for PM and email notifications
!    Fixed: use of unique character decoding for error/bug logging
!    Fixed: automatically scroll to top of the game container
!    Fixed: edit comments on standard desktop score template
!    Fixed: searching game name includes spaces
!    Fixed: logic for integrated skins / lists
!    Fixed: game archives containing .htm files are automatically renamed to .html during installation
!    Fixed: removed lower case file maintenance task
!    Fixed: game cache sub-routine
!    Fixed: call to Google translate function missing arguments
!    Fixed: apostrophe's in translator string causing no translation
!    Fixed: high score list for each game adheres to maximum scores setting
!    Fixed: JavaScript/DOM error for popup template
!    Fixed: execution of popup/fullscreen high score template
!    Fixed: check and adjust for double game compression (not .gz)
!    Fixed: Ruffle upload file maintenance for SMF 2.0 branch
!    Fixed: Ruffle version db value during mod installation
!    Fixed: Arcade administrators can play disabled games
!    Fixed: possible undefined displayed game names for game uninstall list
!    Fixed: Arcade Admin link shows in drop-down for Arcade administrators in nav bar
!&  Fixed: text in PM / email notifications
!&  Fixed: appropriate user message for games without score support
!*  Fixed: SMF native back button link changed to game play link when score function is executed
!*  Fixed: insertion of incorrect external css file name for SMF 2.1
!*  Fixed: new high score comment no longer triggers twice
!*  Fixed: high score templates concerning spacing and cell height for edit icon

Note: Ruffle Emulator version: Nightly Build 2022-02-12

SMF Arcade 2.6.5

+& Changed: Arcade game description translation feature now uses Microsoft Azure Translation API V3 (registration required)
+& Changed: Arcade maintenance "X-Frame" now changed to "Server Config" & added manual instructions for various Server platforms
+& Added: game download limit for membergroups
+& Added: list option for game icon border-radius setting
+& Added: play link within game edit template
+& Added: profile option to disable mobile detection for lists & skins
+& Added: Ruffle Emulator library to allow flash support (can be disabled in Admin)
+  Added: popup now centered on parent window
+  Added: Arcade maintenance now creates additional config file in ./Themes/default/arcade_scripts/ruffle
!  Fixed: list order for newest/oldest
!  Fixed: clearstatcache() used for files after they have been removed
!  Fixed: added POST session variable for login page
!  Fixed: full screen icon for mobile reappears when necessary
!  Fixed: mobile iframe container width
!  Fixed: added default in character code detection for games list descriptions
!  Fixed: arcade_array_depth function concerning description translations
!  Fixed: removed possible duplicate hyperlink shown in improper game save type logging
!  Fixed: download limit for guests
!& Fixed: undefined/missing $txt variable due to SMF 2.1 changes

Note: Ruffle Emulator version: Nightly Build 2021-08-14

SMF Arcade 2.6.4

- Removed: some edits to index.php for SMF 2.0 branch
- Removed: all file edits for SMF 2.1 branch
+ Changed: default setting for JavaScript file insertion is now disabled
+ Changed: default theme css file used as base for mobile display
+ Changed: search game names with starting letter/character condition
+ Added: additional arcade action hook conditionals
+ Added: pre_log_stats hook for SMF 2.1 branch
+ Added: moderation log patch for SMF 2.1 RC3
+ Added: display submit type info to admin games list (desktop/laptop only)
+ Added: force UTF-8 via .htaccess or web.config regarding html, js and php files
+&* Added: additional drop-down menu sorting for mobile arcade game list
+&* Added: admin setting to disable Content-Security-Policy meta tag
+&* Added: maintenance setting to adjust the JavaScript insertion setting for all games
+&* Added: logging of arcade maintenance tasks
+&* Added: option to hide download link/button for no permissions
+&* Added: game option to disable downloading
! Fixed: preparsecode() used on guest name input for scores
! Fixed: check for proper return value from Google API
! Fixed: improper hook removal for un-install
! Fixed: select drop-down behavior in ACP for IE/Edge
! Fixed: installer & db queries if E-Arcade was previously installed
! Fixed: db query when hidden categories option is enabled
! Fixed: Defiant archive & type drop down should be inline
! Fixed: Font-Awesome icons within Arcade buttons (affects some SMF templates)
! Fixed: high score comment editing
! Fixed: installer uses varchar(191)|varchar(255) for utf8mb4|utf8mb3 respectively
! Fixed: MySQL security issue concerning game name searches
! Fixed: exception handler added to Phar decompression
! Fixed: edit comments on mobile score template
! Fixed: scroll container height for the Defiant skin
! Fixed: HTML error for mobile arcade users online

SMF Arcade 2.6.3

! Fixed improper database query for the retro style game list

SMF Arcade 2.6.2

+ PharData class now used for tar & gz support concerning game upload/download
+*& Added sorting method settings for the games list in admin (session saved)
+*& Added/changed option to enable, disable or click hide mobile full screen icon
+& Added option for including PhpBB3 save type support
+& Added option to enable/disable RAR compression support
- Removed file containing UnRAR class -> must now have php-pecl-rar installed on OS for availability
- Removed files concerning PEAR & TAR support (now using PharData - see above)
! Fixed allowance of hyphen in arcade game file names
! Fixed missing game thumbnail name/path in IPB Arcade PHP configuration file creation
! Fixed multibyte characters in php config file
! Fixed gkeys/help key value was not filled in error
! Fixed RAR compression and Unix RAR detection for game download
! Fixed - removed PHP_EOL from custom config files caused problems with IBP Arcade

SMF Arcade 2.6.1

- Removed duplicate js files
- Remove ssl redirect in Apache .htaccess (Apache should already be configured for this)
-* Removed year/day from game reports list for mobile
+ Game now indexed when reported from the list
+*& Widened some cells & added download icon to Generic List
+*& Maintenance template now uses radio buttons to initiate tasks
+*& Export file display now includes php or xml output dependent on game type
+*& Added javascript file/code insertion and corresponding admin option for HTML5 games
+ Added additional translation API
+*& Added description length with onclick handler for some list templates
+* Added expand/collapse toggle address bar for mobile game play
+*& Added admin option to keep games from deleted reports disabled (default is to re-enable games deleted from list)
+*& Added admin options to position mobile expand/collapse icon
+*& Added admin option to redo all enabled/active game configuration files (php/xml)
+*& Added admin option to hide daily game scores in Enterprise-C skin
+*& Added admin options for windowbg/windowbg2 & borders in Generic List
+*& Added option to check for duplicate/matched database entries during game installations
+*& Added unique arcade id and admin option to regenerate a new id
+ Added drop-down categories for classic skin
! Fixed redirect of reported game in game template if disable game was opted
! Fixed undefined errors for new game notification
! Fixed report reason for generic list and game templates
! Fixed .htaccess/web.config file in Games folder/path (affected some game save types)
! Fixed HTML element for game time value to use a unique id
! Fixed HTML53 (PHPBB) score sub-routine
! Fixed HTML53 (PHPBB) game installation where no gamedata folder path exists
! Fixed PHP RAR archive detection
! Fixed misuse of unparenthesized shorthand comparisons (PHP 7.4+)
! Fixed missing constants GAME_CONTROL_MOUSE_TOUCH and GAME_CONTROL_KEY_TOUCH for PHPBB3 HTML5 games
! Fixed missing single quotes in game help for HTML53 game downloads php file
! Fixed popup/fullscreen for flash games
! Fixed javascript erros in all game templates
! Fixed session error for reporting games
! Fixed z-index of game description on game play template
! Fixed .gz support (zlib extension is required)
! Fixed support of illegal spaces in file names for compressed game downloads
! Fixed zip & rar archive support for game downloads
! Fixed game database maintenance to purge duplicates
! Fixed game file name showing twice for installing .gz game files
! Fixed typos in change-log
! Fixed un-installing games without deleting files creates updated game configuration files
! Fixed error while installing games using PHP 7.4+
! Fixed arcade filtered string function (used for various tasks)

SMF Arcade 2.6.0

August 30, 2020
+&* Added arcade mobile detection & specific mobile templates
+&* Added admin & user options for mobile templates
+& Combined advanced admin settings with general admin settings
+& Added skin, list, mobile skin & mobile list hooks
+& Added category option to game installer
+& Added option to adjust game name length (skin/template specific)
+&* Added option to add horizontal division for some game list templates
+$ Defiant template display rearranged and css adjusted (more responsive for varied page widths)
+&* Added icon to game & popup templates that displays a popup with game info
+* Changed favorite heart icons to stars
+&* Added search option to admin game generic list
+&* Added report reason input for all templates and view in admin
+&* Copyright year is always current
+&* Added Arcade hooks guide to admin
+$& Admin skin language strings are now unique
+&* Added translation option for game descriptions during their installation
+& Save type descriptions edited to include source arcade platforms
+ Most Arcade source files are now contained in the ../ArcadeSources folder/path
+ Arcade javascript files are now contained in the ../Themes/default/arcade_scripts folder/path
+ Added match & score hooks
+ Added who's online hook
+ Added gold/silver/bronze trophies to game high score list
+ Combined basic game settings with advanced game settings
+ Known alias names removed for displayed game name during game installation
+ Added IBP3-HTML5 save type support
+ Added PhpBB3 HTML5 save type support
+ Added .htaccess mod_security patch for Apache
+ Added PharData for tar and/or tar.gz decompression if that PHP class is available
+&& Added new game notifications
+&* Added options to shout arcade scores for guests, members and arena
+&* Shoutbox now refreshes and has interval (admin setting)
+ Added new Enterprise-C skin variant (old one still available & dubbed as Enterprise-A)
+ Added fullscreen button to regular laptop/desktop game play template
+ Added ability to use the actual ESC button on a laptop/desktop keyboard to escape popup or fullscreen mode
- Removed ESC HTML input buttons for fullscreen & popup (use actual ESC button as noted)
- Replaced file edits to Admin.php with available hook for SMF 2.1 branch
- Replaced document.write in Defiant skin with element.innerHTML
- Replaced css tables with div tables and/or div blocks
- Removed alternate template per specific theme option
! Fixed possible undefined array in Subs-ArcadeAdmin.php
! Fixed (suppressed) DOM invalid tags markup error for shoutbox content
! Fixed PHPBB-HTML5[RA ~ Relax Arcade] support
! Fixed IBP HTML5 (Origon) game support
! Fixed update categories table when installing or uninstalling games
! Fixed HTML5 game popups
! Fixed missing key in db insert for Arcade online
! Fixed db insert for Arcade Defiant shoutbox
! Fixed improper filename for Arcade downloads
! Fixed initial posted game link as same page redirect
! Fixed possible duplicate php or xml file for downloaded games
! Fixed -> added guest game id check for arcade online records
! Fixed sorting db query in Arcade online records list
! Fixed -> added missing language variable concerning no HTML5 support in browser
! Fixed unnecessary data in session handler
! Fixed score and match notifications
! Fixed PHPBB v3 arcade numeric values for $_POST variables
! Fixed .tar.gz compression for game downloads
! Fixed HTML5 upload script (updated)
! Fixed gzip decompression where PharData is not available
! Fixed javascript errors for Arcade maintenance
! Fixed IBP / IBP2 save type distinction
! Fixed undefined settings variables for new initial installation
! Fixed javascript SameSite policy and secure cookie for https
!* Fixed game titles in generic list
!* Fixed score loop detection being triggered by quick replay & save (HTML5 & HTML52)
!& Fixed installing IBP games with main folder name mismatch (internal php file name ~ main game path name comparison)
!& Fixed IBP save type description typo (was IPB)
! Fixed popup & fullscreen display modes for flash and HTML5 games

SMF Arcade 2.56.12

February 07, 2019
+& Added PHPBB-HTML5 support (only one of their save types is currently supported)
+& Added messages for when board and/or user exists in "Arcade Advanced" admin
+& Changed rar download to true rar compression ( requires Unix RAR or Windows WinRAR on OS for usage: )
+ Added beta tester acknowledgment during installation
+ Added opted game type to list titles
+ Added uninstall option to game edit template
+ Added config file during installation (this will rewrite any previous config file)
+ Default thumbnail used for games if one is not available from its archive
! Maintenance config file has updated syntax
! Fixed "Default" category icon in database
! Fixed download game creating duplicate php config files
! Fixed game installer concerning images, compressed files, etc.
! Fixed/changed default list settings for SMF nav bar link/button
! Fixed installer to read/use swf flash dimensions when available
! Fixed arcade buttons/navigation to use SMF default buttons but added custom Javascript for select menus
! Fixed Javascript for highscore sub-routine due to IE11 / MSEdge behavior
! Fixed language variable for Arcade Online to use Arcade specific language string (branch string mismatch) ~ $txt['who_show1'] is now $txt['arcade_who_show']
! Fixed edit games template concerning help textarea
! Fixed HTML5 games template to hide overflow when cursor is focused on game container (for arrow key control)
! Fixed IBP-HTML5 games when they use IBP type scoring
! Fixed improper game name with some install scenarios

SMF Arcade 2.56.11

November 15, 2018
+& Added new maintenance feature to adjust game files & game icons to lowercase
+& Added new maintenance feature to adjust database where game files/directories do not exist
+& Added new button to view specific game type in list (user preference is recorded in the db)
+& Added admin option & permission for game type option
+& Added latest no category option for Defiant & Enterprise templates
+& Changed default "Latest" category in Defiant template to two options: Unassigned / All
+& Changed default "Unassigned" category in Enterprise template to two options: Unassigned / All
+& Added fullscreen mode to popups (buttons are within the popups)
+ Added arcade copyright to popups
+ Added download_icon.png to arc_icons folder
+ Added admin subtext regarding HTML5 upload script not working when mod_security is detected
+ Changed css for game title in retro list
+ Changed main arcade link now resets all game list parameters
& Error messages regarding "No files selected" now numbered for error tracking purposes
! Adjusted HTML52 save type to allow for Origon variant
! Fixed HTML5 & HTML52 save types to not rely on jQuery Ajax post
! Fixed HTML52 php file creation for game download
! Fixed game installer for mismatched archive names (when php or xml file is included)
! Fixed archive type selection
! Fixed arcade online page selection links
! Fixed file name/game name mismatch when xml or php configuration file is included
! Fixed guests saving score if permission is enabled
! Fixed character decoding for description/help display during game editing
! Fixed db ~ multiple arcade varchar column lengths now (255)
! Fixed incorrect table column name for arcade_members.archive_type
! Fixed incorrect value for latest games in defiant skin/template (now shows # games not in a category)
! Fixed "Back" button on X-Frame admin template
! Fixed Arcade profile options
! Fixed missing download icon/link in retro list
! Fixed game popups where game container was cut-off
! Fixed game popups for full forum background (modern browsers)
! Fixed game installations concerning mixed save types
! Fixed playing html game type mismatch defaults to v1game (it will auto adjust if admin option is enabled)
! Fixed game search function for multiple/partial names
! Fixed game search to honor group permission per game
! Fixed notifications to support mb characters in user names (converted to decimal entities)
! Fixed minor javascript issue when saving score
! Fixed javascript default function parameters for IE11
! Fixed popups for IE11
! Fixed HTMLv2 popup not saving scores
- Fixed asc/desc list order stored in session variable
!*& Duplicate games amongst multiple installations now flagged within install list without abort error

SMF Arcade 2.56.10

August 15, 2018
! Adjusted HTML5 save type allowable session length to reflect DB session lifetime else 48 minutes max
! Timestamp cheat check changed to 10 second interval
! Fixed possible undefined error where no download save type was set (defaults to tar or tar.gz)
&& Changed language string in Arena/Match creation template ("Games Selected")

SMF Arcade 2.56.09

August 5, 2018
! decompression of rar archives is now dependent on the php-pecl-rar package (rar compression is not)

SMF Arcade 2.56.08

August 3, 2018
! Fixed game installer concerning master-info.xml
! Fixed maintenance for removing game folders not in use

SMF Arcade 2.56.07

August 2, 2018
! Fixed game installer concerning gamepacks
! Fixed duplicate game names in same package now increment file names (up to 5 times else deleted)
! Adjusted css for Enterprise output (also works for EhPortal 1.22+ mobile)

SMF Arcade 2.56.06

July 28, 2018
+ Added individual game scores API (50 hiscores per game)
+ Added rar archive support (upload & download)
+ Added options for allowing users to select archive type
! Fixed possible deletion of Games path when all games are uninstalled/deleted
! Fixed install/uninstall for Phpbb v3Arcade save type
! Fixed v3Arcade score support
! Fixed profile | games per page * base four
! Fixed disallowing saving score for scores less than 1 on regular score type games
& Error message added for games not allowing scores less than 1

SMF Arcade 2.56.05

July 10, 2018
+ Added PHP-Quick-Arcade HTML5 game support
! Fixed spaces in file names for game installer
! Fixed missing ibp3.2 save type info in games list
! Added missing sort_up, sort_down & Default gif images to arc_icons folder
! SQL queries ~ online_time cast as signed in Arcade.php
! Now using suppress for fopen/fclose in SWFReader.php (error message does not log specific game causing errors)
! Changed all window.onload instances to window.addEventListener/window.attachEvent
! Game installer no longer relies on game file name to designate internal name
! Added custom arcade_up_contain css class
! Fixed export xml game info (now displayed within readonly textarea)

SMF Arcade 2.56.04

June 2018
! Fixed game download sub-routines
! Fixed game upload folder names for tar.gz files
! fixed "plays" in arcade list for all game types, regular play & popups

SMF Arcade 2.56.03

April 2018
+ Added admin options to enable/disable debug logging for score type and/or score loop
& New language strings added for debugging
! Fixed TarClass archive typo causing error for downloads
! Adjusted GROUP_BY clauses due to ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode enabled by default in MySQL
! Fixed missing language variable for uploading category icons
! Fixed HTML5 upload css
! Fixed Arcade Online
! Fixed posting new games for SMF 2.1
! Fixed missing pdl_clean.gif icon

SMF Arcade 2.55

December 2017
+ Added Defiant theme (E-Arcade clone)
& Language added for Defiant theme
+ Three list types now available
& Language added for list types
+ Added additional filtering of directory structure concerning game deletions
+ Added specific user settings for PM and/or EMail notifications
+ Added option to send notification Emails/PMs in bulk
+ Links from emails while not logged in triggers login prompt that redirects to arcade action/sa
! Fixed PM, EMail & Arena/Match notifications
& New language strings added for PM/Email changes
+ Main language files loaded with pre_load hook
+ Changed subroutines for arcade online data in arcade info centre
+ Display amount of guests & users in the arcade
+ Added detailed Arcade online list with setting and permissions
& New language strings added for arcade online (admin & user)
+ New maintenance option to manually purge online log
+ New maintenance option to manually purge Arcade download directory
+ New maintenance option to remove outstanding compressed game archives
+ New maintenance option to purge unused arcade icons from the arc_icons directory (deletes files not currently used by the arcade)
+ Completed maintenance task now shows complete & fades out
* Eliminated/changed deprecated css in templates
* Various aesthetic template fixes for light/dark themes
! Fixed typing enter after save comment
! Fixed profile area to show users top 10 - 1st, 2nd & 3rd high score placements
& New strings for profile changes
! Fixed SMF 2.1 installation for profile area hook changes
! Fixed guest permissions for games with no opted category
+ Added custom php/xml file generation for game downloads
+ Added additional custom install data as xml file(s) (visit WebDev for support)
+ Added zip|tar|tar.gz archive option for downloads (if zipArchive is not available then zip option is omitted)
! Fixed/changed download subroutine (+ one file removed)
! Fixed .tar.gz decompression for installing games
! Fixed database installation subroutine to conform to SMF standard
! Fixed database routines in reports source file
! Fixed deletion of unique game directories when games are uninstalled
! Fixed installation issue for when E-Arcade was previously installed
+ Uninstalling games now deletes game topics if applicable
* Icons are now solely stored in the default theme images directory
* Icons stored directly in the images directory are now located in the images/arc_icons directory
+ Option to upload image files for categories (jpg, gif, png ~ auto resizing to selected default dimensions)
& New language for all icon related changes
* Removed arcade_settings table & added arcade_members table (improved format & more settings)
+ Options for users to select skin & list
+ Permissions added for the above options
+ Guest score names are validated for numbers + letters only
! Fixed IE/MS-Edge score comments
+ Added fullscreen/normal mode for games
+ Added HTML5/JS game support (requires unique save parameters to be added to games)
- utf8 language files removed (standard language files are already UTF-8)
+ Arena template changed/updated
! Guest names fixed for score notifications
+ Tested and edited for PHP 7.1 compatability
* PHP 5.5 is now the minimal version
! Fixed game install subroutine (multiple uploads, directory allocation, game data, etc.)
+ Updated swfobject.js to v2.3.20130521
! Game popups fixed for SMF 2.1
+ New HTML5 upload script & template (supports large files @ 1MB/chunk minimum)
! Replaced all create_function instances with anonymous functions
! Fixed return_bytes function to use float
! Fixed memory allocation for installing games
! Decompression of zip archives now use the SMF default due to possible PECL/PEAR modules not being available
+ Version reference updated in all files to reflect official release (v2.55)
* Adjusted sub-routines for news regarding version information in Arcade & js source file
+ Display game type option for Vintage List when downloading is enabled
+ Added options to create X-Frame configuration file
! Auto save type routine edited to close second game save window via javascript
& New language string added for auto save
+ Added purge Games directory of unused game folders (paths not within any game from the database)
& New language strings added for purge Games directory
+ Loop patch added for HTML5 score type saving

SMF Arcade 2.5 RC4

October 2015
+ SMF 2.0.X branch support
+ SMF 2.1.X branch support
+ Added option to select E-Arcade skin
+ Added category maintenance options
+ Arcade list type available for all templates
+ Added option to view/hide information center
+ Default list now uses horizontal button navigation
+ Added additional list display options
! Removed PDL custom template
! File permission issue for some host configuration fixed
! Updated license & its hyperlinks
! Adjusted css for arcade info center
! Fixed arcade & game container upshrink
! Opting to view a report from the list now shows its specific game report
! Sanitized code including the removal of Heredoc syntax from the Jeza template
! Fixed "new" category
! Fixed behavior of sorting options

SMF Arcade 2.5 RC3

March 2015
+ Project taken over by Chen Zhen @
+ SMF 2.0.10 Support
+ PDL/Skin combo included within installation
+ Games with no type data should now auto configure

SMF Arcade 2.5 RC2

April 2010 - October 2011
+ SMF 2.0.1 Support
! Show Admin menu for users that have arcade_admin permission [Issue #431]
! If there was more scores than score limit saved, no new scores would be saved

SMF Arcade 2.5 RC1 Public

November 2009
+ Support for submit system settings
! Some v3 games requires gamedata directory in games diretory [Issue #294]

SMF Arcade 2.5 RC1

June 2009 - October 2009
+ Started support for curve theme
+ Don't show submit systems that aren't installed
! Uninstaller did uninstall wrong games [Issue #276]
! Link to settings in emails was incorrect [Issue #268]
! IBP v2 xml_play didn't return true causing plays not increase [Issue #185]
+ Improved longest current champions query [Issue #165]
! Fixed custom games (such as Minesweeper) not working
! Cleaned up language files
! Linktree missing some pages [Issue #264]

SMF Arcade 2.5 Beta 6

March 2009 - June 2009
! Unable to uninstall games
! Added back support for filtering games in new games list [Issue #171]
+ Show status on Arena match page
! Play link didn't redirect to match page when user had played already
+ Ability to change category of multiple games at the same time [Issue #205]
! Details of old champion wasn't replaced in sent emails [Issue #238]
! Edit games broken by ability to change category [Issue #240]
! Use session_var instead of "sesc"
! Don't include non-arena games in Arena dropdown [Issue #237]
+ Updated for SMF 2.0 RC1-1 (package-info.xml)
+ Log removed scores [Issue #106]
+ Improved installer code

SMF Arcade 2.5 Beta 5

December 2008 - March 2009
! Scoring wasn't read from game-info due to wrong variable used
! Ensure that ManageGames has games selected before queries, give error if not
+ Added Arcade to core features
! Don't show Arcade section on admin when disabled
! Unable to extract gamepacks [Issue #229]
! Upload should redirect to install games list [Issue #230]
+ Try to delete gamedata folder when uninstalling [Issue #227]
! Game suggest doesn't work with permissions enabled [Issue #203]
! Links for other pages was wrong when browsing with category [Issue #204]
! updateCategoryStats didn't update categories with no games
! Sorting games on admin didn't work [Issue #208]
& Fixes to ArcadeEmail language
+ Use Generic List for Manage Games
- Don't include downloadable games to game cache
+ Split Manage Games to edit and install sections
! Games were marked as installed even when install failed
+ Recoded updateGameCache
+ Improved database upgrade, it will make sure most things are correct
! SMF 2.0 Beta 4 no longer supported

SMF Arcade 2.5 Beta 3 Public

December 2008
! Admin settings search linked to wrong place
+ Ability to filter games disabled games [Issue #171]
! Editing disabled games wasn't possible

SMF Arcade 2.5 Beta 3

November 2008 - December 2008
+ Added descriptions for some pages
! Edit category didn't work [Issue #164]
+ Improved comment editing [Issue #168]
+ Added phpBB activity games support back [Issue #92]
! Games were detected some times to have missing files when it's not case
! Add Game didn't work on new match without javascript or in case of there are problem with suggester
! Ability to remove players without javascript
! Ability to delete rounds without javascript
! Try to get more memory for game cache update
! Unable to save settings [Issue #161]

SMF Arcade 2.5 Beta 2.2 Public

November 2008
+ Improved errors when score submit failed

SMF Arcade 2.5 Beta 2.1

November 2008
+ Notifications are send as emails instead of PMs

SMF Arcade 2.5 Beta 2

September 2008
! Removed some unused code for SMF 1.1 support
! Fixed uninstalling games deltree
+ Updated to SMF 2.0 RC1
! Some fixes for SQLite
+ Updated latest version check to use
+ Reworked submit system code
+ Log some actions
* Moved Profile templates to ArcadeProfile.template.php
! Unable to edit Arcade Settings / View Stats if Arena disabled [SMF 2.0 RC1]
+ Add Games when creating Match
! Ability to add players without javascript when creating matches

SMF Arcade 2.5 Beta 1.1

September 2008
! Fixed users statistics page
! Adding members when creating match didn't work [Issue #78]
! Fixed some arena issues [Issue #79, Issue #80]
! Saving Advanced Settings broke extra_data [Issue #83]
! Fix for Issue #89
! Fixes to maintenance
! Fixed Post based permissions doesn't work [Issue #90]
! Fixes to updateGameCache function

SMF Arcade 2.5 Beta 1

March 2007 - August 2008
! Fix to installer
! Fixes to Profile Statistics
! Installer didn't work (Issue #45)
! Fixed Database error when updating Game Cache in certain cases
! Packed games were not shown on Installable filter
! Unable to unpack games
! XSS/Javascript injection on tags fixed
! Invalid redirect after playing in Arena
! Match in Arena wouldn't start if last player joins Match.
+ Hide Thank you for playing after adding comment
! Fixed commenting scores
! Page index didn't work with favorites
+ Highscore maintenance
+ Support for v3Arcade games
! Some submit systems not returning 'extra' data
+ Rename eeks arcades tables
! Unable to edit Advanced Settings of games
! Fixed v3Arcade support
! Don't send new champion notice if beating own score
! Matches getting canceled if admin leaving
! No link or invalid link for champion
+ Ability to join and leave match
+ General function to install games
! Simplified game installing a bit
+ Ability to change games and scores per page per user
! Updated headers with functions
- Removed permission for rating & favorites
! Fixed unclosed tag on installer
! Fixes to game installer/uninstaller
+ Ability to disable auto update of GameCache
! Some session checks missing
+ Events system, can choose when to recieve notification
! XSS in match name
! Don't allow match name to be just spaces
+ Create default category for games
! Missing database values to insert
+ Use suggest control for Arena player select
! Removed latest news box, moved version information
! Removed SMF 1.1 Support
! After uninstalling game without deleting files game had wrong status
! Don't send invite to itself when making match in Arena
+ Continued Arena-code
! Games without category can be seen by anyone if category permission enabled
! Simplified some code
+ Ability to reorder categories
! Some files were not removed
+ Move gamedata directories of possible
! Fixes for SMF 2.0 Beta 2 update
+ Support for custom games (php)
+ Minesweeper game
! Fixed changing category
! Help text wasn't shown when editing
! Category editor didn't show all groups
! Fixed Guest playing
! Fixed permissions edits (install-de.xml, language.xml, Modifications.English.php)
! Fixed uninstalling games
! Fixed installing didn't save some data
+ Updated to SMF 2.0 Beta 2
+ Select players to be Invited
! (SMF 1.1) Don't show Challenge when there's no permission to create match or arena is disabled
+ Added permission for Arcade Settings and Link to profile to edit settings
+ Added tabs for filtering games by status
+ (SMF 2.0) Search from Settings
! Fixed ManagePermission edit
! Unable to edit permissions of game even if enabled
+ Popup for selecting game for Arena matches
! Fixed database error when no players selected for match
+ Don't show groups that cannot access Arcade for per game permissions
+ Arena can be disabled
+ Profile edits for SMF 1.1.x added
! Subject wasn't escaped when sending new champion PM
+ Hashing for v2 games (Other/
* Template for creating new match (ArcadeArena.template.php)
! Fixed edits for ManagePermissions.php
+ Edit Game (rewritten)
! Database results was not freed on some places
+ Game list on admin paged and can be filtered by status
+ Possibilty to move each game to own directory on install
! Post from last day calculated wrongly
! Code cleanup, bug fixes (didn't remember to add to changelog)
! Subs-Game.php merged back to, Subs-Arcade.php
! Subs-ArcadeAdmin.php contains now admin functions
! Possible to use loadArcade even if arcade is disabled
+ Basic info center to Arcade list
+ Install shows errors if installing game failed
+ Updated package info for 1.1.4
! Code cleanup, bug fixes (didn't remember to add to changelog)
! Some code cleaned on ManageGames.php
! Fixes to game installer
! Javascript fixed
! More fixes to game installer
! Missing $scripturl on call to constructPageIndex
! Users were unable to play games (ArcadeLegacy.php)
! Index renaming caused errors, if column in index was renamed
! Fixed install.xml
+ Added xml-stylesheets from Daniel15
+ Admin Arcade gives permissions to play all games
! In some cases users could play games which are not enabled
+ GamesFilesList function to get list of all games from Games directory
+ and several helper (is_game, readgameinfo)
+ Basic game listing to ManageGames
+ New table added to database (arcade_game_info)
! Fix for older PHP versions
! Fixed install for 1.1.x
- Removed getID3
+ Own SWF Reader (swfinfo -class)
+ Game files are now cached to database
+ Added arcade_files table to installer
& New strings for actions on manage games list
* New manage game list template
! Manage Game list shows games which are installed but main file missing
+ Security fix
+ Better cheater blocking
+ Play functions for IBPv2, v3, SMF v2
+ SMF v2 submit rewritten
+ IBP v2, v3 rewritten
+ IBP v32 Support
! Fixed score save for guests
! Error on highscore page for non admins when category permission enabled
! Bug fix on ArcadeXMLOutput (default value for second parameter)
- Removed ArcadeGameInfo, BuildGameArray
+ loadGame, GetGameInfo
+ Subs-Game.php for Game functions
! Two undefined indexes
! Optimized PostPermissionCheck
+ Admin may force post permission check by adding ;pcheck to url
! Scores table was not updated if beating chapmion own chapmion score
+ XML Output function
* Removed XML Functions from template
! Fixed typo in changelog ;)
& Internal error string added
! Cleaned up query code (ArcadeList.php)
! Two database errors fixed (ArcadeList.php)
! Changed rest XML template usages to use XML Output
+ Message and Errors support in XML
! Javascript bugs
! Quick search fixed
+ SWF Object updated to 1.5
! Moved Tests under other directory
+ Some changes to javascript
! Personal best was replaced by lower score (Subs-Arcade.php)
+ "Have you tried these?" (ArcadePlay.php, Subs-Arcade.php)
! Wrong score for champion (ArcadeList.php)
! ArcadePlay renamed to ArcadeGame
+ Submit system rewriting started
+ SMF legacy rewritten (no IPBv2/v3)
+ Changelog finally started
! Page index on scores page showed only one page
! Databse error when new personal best score
! Build.php caused error on build (same variable name)
+ Post per day -> Post in last 24 hours and added Average posts
+ Caching of post per day data
! If met post per day requirement, you could play even if you had no permission
(possibly, not tested)
+ Game editor should no longer show per game permission if it's not enabled
! arcadePostsPerDay changed to arcadePostLastDay
! two undefined indexes

! Minor change or bugfix. (don't bother to log typos except between releases.)
* Change like above, but affects templates.
& Change that affects a language file. (make two if it affects templates too.)
+ Feature addition or improvement.
- Feature or option removal.[/float]