Daily Lucky Numbers:

HTML5 Games not Saving

Started by Hero, December 30, 2018, 01:27:36 PM

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This board software and the arcade is completely new to me.

I have now installed the latest arcade and a html5 game from origon.

After I press submit on the game, I end up on the forum page.

Can someone help me please what am I doing wrong?

Many Thanks.

Chen Zhen

It's possible that forum admin changed his save sub-routine yet again.
He is the one making those games use the ibp save type.

What you can do is disable (uncheck) "Auto Adjust Improper Save Types" in the Arcade->Advanced admin section.
Ensure the game is set to html5v1 or html5v2 save type and it should save score.
If it doesn't work then upload the game here to the forum so I can take a look.

The next version of the Arcade will have the installer changed to not edit those origon games.
Originally I had it edit them to make saving score a bit more secure.
The IBP v2 save type that he uses is a bit outdated.
I suppose they all use Ajax to submit.



Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, no change has been used.

Still does not save.


Ah, it was the game. How should the submit code be to save the games from origon?

The code of origon is not stored in the arcade.



First of all, I wish you a happy new year.

In the next version you do not have to change the games of Origon? Have I understood that correctly?

1. When will the new arcade version be available?

There are also HTML5 games by Killbill. He has a phpbb arcade.

2. Is it possible to install these synonymous where save the score?

And another question.

3. How do I update if there is a new version?

4. And where do I get the German translation for the arcade?

Thank you in advance.

Chen Zhen

Please attach the zip file of the Origon game you are trying to install in your arcade.


This game z.b.


The code is the same as with origon.


What about my other questions?

1. When will the new arcade version be available?

There are also HTML5 games by Killbill. He has a phpbb arcade.

2. Is it possible to install these synonymous where save the score?

And another question.

3. How do I update if there is a new version?

4. And where do I get the translation for the arcade?

Chen Zhen

Quote1. When will the new arcade version be available?

2. Is it possible to install these synonymous where save the score?

3. How do I update if there is a new version?

4. And where do I get the translation for the arcade?

1. When I complete the necessary changes & test it thoroughly. Release date unknown.

2. The changes will allow those Origon games to save score.

3. You will need to uninstall & delete any old version prior to uploading and installing a newer version.

4. There is no German translation for the arcade.

As for the phpbb games you speak of...
I will have to have a few of those games to adapt the arcade to accept that arcade's newer save type.


Thank you for your reply. :)

I have sent you a Pn.

How can I translate Arcade best?

Chen Zhen

Do you have an active account on JV-Arcade that killbill runs?
If you do, can you download a copy of PHPBB Arcade 4.3.2 and provide a download link for it?
I registered on his site a few days ago but he has not activated my account.
To have this arcade save scores from those games I would like to look at the PHP code from his arcade.

As for the Origon games... I have it working fine in my beta version but it needs further testing.
Prior to releasing anything new I would like to get the PHPBB-HTML5 games saving score.

Wait until I release the next version and then you can do a translation of the language files if you wish.
I can post them in the download section for other people to use.


Chen Zhen

I am working on this although it may take me some time to enable the PHPBB-HTML5 compatibility.
Thus far in my beta version I have one of the game types you uploaded working.
I believe that arcade has 4 types of HTML5 games and I have 2 of the same working for SMF Arcade v2.56.12 (beta).

Beta testers are welcome and you can request that access if you wish.
Usually I release betas every week or so although not always the same project.
My current focus is on the arcade to get those save types working.

Thank you for your patience.


I would love to be a Beta tester


I would like to be a beta tester too


I have now installed some games from Origon again. There are no games saved with me. After Submit I jump to the forum page.

Can you please with the data what I sent you look at me where the error is.

Thank you.


I have now determined if the games are set in fullscreen, then save them.

If I set the game to normal, then I submit to submit on the forums page.

But please take a look at yourself on my test page.


I have the same problem with some games, submit just redirect me to forum and no score.