Daily Lucky Numbers:

Battle 1.0_RC8.0 BETA-UD-X

Started by Chen Zhen, July 20, 2013, 01:05:17 AM

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Great timing...I just made 4 Campaigns and will put this to the test.

I have a month long one and two one week and a 24 hour pending to start in the am.

I'll get this loaded up right now...

Chen Zhen


  Please let me know if everything functions as it should and I will also test everything I can think of later tonight. The version I released at SMF will not install properly for people due to a few issues I just fixed with Beta3 so I would imagine they are not happy about it. I think everything works good except maybe the battle-battle for a new player... something I did causes it to mess up with the session until about a third attempt and then it functions normally after that. I will have to figure it out.


Do you need me to try and download the version off SMF?

The tiny upload has always worked for me.


When you look at Campaign Leaders...on the drop down box all you see is overall.


Also the Default Custom Explore doesn't add or subtract the gold you get.

The one that cost 100 wasn't working.


I've put this game to the test day in and day out for the past couple months.  You have taken an idea that SA had and got it up todays standards. 

I tried to modify the original game to keep it fresh with my members and they kept coming up with ideas they would like to see added to the game but as Admin I was looking for more controls and more variables that makes the game better.

I think most of the ideas my members have suggested, along with your ideas have created a great game.

Chen Zhen

  I was referring to v1.12-Beta3 that I just posted in this thread prior to your response. I will look at the things you just mentioned.


Everything seems to work fine outside of the couple of things I mentioned.


I ran into something that I'm going to try and create again.

When I have the quests set to "Warriors must wait for level completion", and I have it set that you can do it 100 times but it seems it stops the quest when a combo of members hit a combined total of 100.  I'm still testing that out. 

When I add a custom campaign only that campaign will be displayed in the drop down box.


On Game Stats I'm going to see if I can show only members that have permission to do Campaigns.  Also want to make a limit as to how many times you can attack other members.


During a battle with a member it says you gained so many exp points but what it's showing is how many exp points you have altogether and not how much you gained.


I can't put my finger on it...

Does the Custom Explore have a random outcome?

I've never seen someone gain zero gold.


On customer explore It seems the HP, atk, def, stamina all work...Gold doesn't work on my end.

Can we ditch the quests and create a sound Explore Battle Game?

Create a stable game and more monsters...


What if the game was just about Exploring and Creating Monsters and no Attacking Members or Quests nor Campaigns?

Make the other stuff plugins and or mods to the game...

I'd say over 90% of the activity is done with exploring.


Doing some more exploring...

The outcomes are random they jump back and forth from the first outcome to the second outcome.

Then if you use gold as one actions in the outcome it doesn't deduct the amount it costs you to do the exploring.  Meaning if it cost you 10 gold to do the exploring and you gain 200 gold you should only see a net gain of 190 but you get all 200 of it.  If you change the outcome to HP, ATK or Stamina it will deduct the proper amount of gold that it costs to do the exploring.