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Battle v1.15 Beta Releases

Started by Chen Zhen, January 31, 2014, 10:12:44 PM

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Chen Zhen

Battle v1.15 Beta1


! fixed shoutbox refresh issue (now redirects to current sub action)

Chen Zhen

Battle v1.15 Beta2


! fixed adding campaigns issue
! fixed undefined array where no campaigns exist



Quote from: underdog on February 03, 2014, 12:07:09 AM
Battle v1.15 Beta2


! fixed adding campaigns issue
! fixed undefined array where no campaigns exist
Sweet, I'm going to install this patch in my next site update.

Chen Zhen

Please remember to always uninstall and delete any old versions prior to updating. No Battle data will be lost with the update.

Chen Zhen

+ game mode to have membergroups compete against each other (this can apply to any existing Battle Mode) ie. name it -> current mode ~ Battalions
+ display membergroup score tallies on game stats template (option to toggle views)
+ add admin option/mode so it can be set where users have to acknowledge they wish to participate in the current game else it ignores their user name for various game modes & member battles
+ add option (admin setting) to require users to complete member battles and/or monster battles for campaigns in addition to the current quest requirements
+ battle container should be refreshed for game play without refreshing the entire page (manipulate the container id)
+ change template for battling members/monsters to show avatars and/or monster icons + some sort of visual effects
+ add option for sound effects using premiumbeat mod to facilitate this option (ya let me push my other mod)
+ option to restrict monsters to a specific campaign
! divide functions into more files due to reported ftp issues caused by some large file sizes
! correct some reported language/grammar

  I can set it up so that an admin can disable Battle and/or Explore on the battle home page but have those type of battles available on the quest page as part of a campaign. This will allow restricting specific monsters to certain campaigns as Fog previously suggested.


Could you maybe add a feature that forces users to use a certain theme?

Since this bugs out on the Fresh Looks theme.


And I have another bug report for you. When you click on the "go back" arrow without saving a campaign and then try to delete it... You get this lovely error.

Table 'arpegi_be.smf_battle_campaign_5' doesn't exist
File: /customers/b/f/a/arpegi.be/httpd.www/Sources/BattleQuests.php
Line: 975

Chen Zhen


  Thank you for reporting these issues. I am going to take a look at using Battle with that theme to see what you are talking about.
Is this the theme you speak of? ... http://custom.simplemachines.org/themes/index.php?lemma=2497

For the db issue, if you can not wait for the next beta then do this manual edit...

file: /Sources/BattleAdminQuests.php


 . $campaignId]);

replace with:

unset($_SESSION['battle_campaign_' . $campaignId]);

  You may need to manually delete your browser history to clear the sessions (just one time).



Yes, it's that theme I speak off. And I will wait for the next beta.

Chen Zhen


  The Battle template passes W3C validation and appears ok in most themes but not that one. I tried my other mods with it and they appear ok using a similar HTML table structure. Since I did not originally develop the Battle templates, Imo it may be best if I just start from scratch with them so that they appear proper for all themes. Hopefully this weekend I will find the time to do that.


Wow, I might have to look into that one then.
What are the errors maybe? So I can fix them at my site.

Chen Zhen

Battle v1.15 Beta3



! reorganized/added files due to previous large file sizes causing ftp issues
! added custom template file for freshlooks theme
! fixed unset variable in BattleAdminQuests.php


  The issue with the freshlooks theme was one style attribute for the css class of normaltext. I changed it to smalltext in a template file that installs into that theme specifically.

  Hopefully the file changes will now allow for FTP editing without issue. 

Chen Zhen

The template files still need to be split because I forgot about them so I will do it for the next beta.
Therefore those files may still present an issue when editing via FTP.


  I will fix the issues reported here: http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=323835.msg3668304#msg3668304



No worries, I'm here now anyway, so I'll continue the testing and bug reports here instead of at SMF forum.

