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ehportal help

Started by bigguy, November 08, 2015, 09:30:13 PM

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I can not find this in phpmyadmin:


should it not be there. ??

I ask because I get this error now after upgrading SMF and trying to re-install ehportal:

Unknown column 'spb.permission_set' in 'field list'
File: /home/***/public_html/community/Sources/Subs-Portal.php
Line: 386

Chen Zhen

Attached is another beta version where I used a different approach for standalone mode.
It still needs some work & testing but so far for me it functions adequately.
Try uninstalling and deleting what you have and use the atached file.

That column should exist within the sp_blocks table & is called permission_set.
The mod should indeed create that column during installation if it does not exist.
If you upgraded SMF and then attempted to reinstall EhPortal then the column should still exist from the prior installation.

Chen Zhen

It's a different standalone file therefore make sure you replace the old one with the newer after installation.


Tried to install again and I get the same error about spb_permission. I looked in phpmyadmin and it is not there or being created during install. So I have the same error as above and am not able to do anything unless I reload SMF files.

Chen Zhen

I made a slight change to the install file.
The routine was originally written by Sinan whereas I can rewrite the entire install.php file to the way I perform what is done there if need be.
First let us try it with the small modification I made to the file.
I tested this by purposely deleting the column that is flagging an error for you and it does add the column anew for me.
Please test the attachment.


It installs clean, takes care of all existing errors in the error log. I have it in standalone using the file from the zip, renamed to index.php and I still get wrong forum directory error.


The url, if ya wanna check it out is:



So the portal installed. I had the wrong value set for the forum_dir. There are no errors in the error logs and the site runs good. All blocks are enabled but nothing shows either in the forum or the portal. Any ideas. ??

Chen Zhen

It's a permission issue with the blocks because that block db column was omitted somehow.
Due to that circumstance you must now set the permission values on all blocks.
I had to do the same thing on the test forum where I erased that db column on purpose.

As to how your block permission column got erased in the first place is a mystery atm.
Perhaps you were messing with phpmyadmin at some point and did this in error or maybe some sort of manual changes to a db query at some point?
No matter... adjust the block permissions and it will work.


That was it. I'll change things around later tonight then. I was in phpmyadmin but made no changes at all. I was just lookin around. It's great we got it this far. Thank you for the help my friend. :)

Chen Zhen

No problem and thank you for pointing out the issues.

Currently the SMF 2.1.X being in beta will go through a lot of changes so we'll just have to put up with compatibility glitches that have to be fixed as this occurs.
I was not able to get the session straightened out while using the home page from a parent url via SSI.php due to some recent changes in SMF 2.1.
What I did was have it use and redirect to ..?action=portal for the home page and then use javascript to change the text of the url.
I am going to change my method from pushState to replaceState prior to releasing a new version and wouldn't mind if you can test it when I attach another copy in this thread shortly.

Keep in mind that only recent browsers will support this method otherwise older browsers will show ..?action=portal.
ref. http://caniuse.com/#feat=history

Chen Zhen

Here is the package with the changes..


Did you notice the problem with the footer. ??


Clean uninstall of last version and clean install of that one. It fixed the url issue as well. Footer still needs changed. ;)

Chen Zhen

No I did not look at the footer until you mentioned it.
It is because they changed the text within it and I probably have the text search value hard coded..
I am going to implement a way of detecting the approriate SMF footer text so that it can find it when there are changes.
Thanks again.